
Fedex Express Handler?

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I was offered a job at this place. It's to unload airplanes and load trucks. What am I to expect. What is it like?




  1. I currently work at Fedex Ground and have for the past two years.  It is a littlw different than FedEx Express as we obviously don't unload Airplanes only trucks.  As the person above stated it is very very fast paced.  Where I work we are required to load 400+ packeges an hour and unload 1300+ packages an hour and there is hardly ever time for a break.  The first two weeks I worked there I was so sore i could barely move.  It was horrible, but I stuk with it and eventually it subsided and I had no problems.  Depending on where you work and what time of the year it can be very HOT or very cold.  I work at a Hub in Phoenix and during the summer it is a killer.  It is so hot it is not even funny.  Durring the winter though as I work at night, it is VERY cold.  And this is not to scare you, I love my job, it is great.  They offer great pay and amazing benifits. They are ranked one of the top 100 place to work because if it.  Most people that I see come into my HUB quit withen the first week or two because they just simply think it is to hard.  And I will tell you it is a hard jod but if you stick with it it does get easier and it is very rewarding.  I know that you will hear it geets easier it gets easier and you will just want to tell them all to shutup but it really does.  Just be sure theat you get plenty of rest after shifts because you will most likely be beat for the first few weeks and that you stay plenty hydrated.  There is nothing worse than trying to do this job and getting dehydrated, If you stick with it in the end you will find it rewarding and well worth it.  I have and as hard as people think my job is and I sometimes know it is I really love it.

  2. Very, Very, Very fast paced. get some zoom zoom shoes you will not sit much at all.
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