
Feedback - do feminists get harrassed by the anti-feminism type questions asked on this forum?

by  |  earlier

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if not what improvements can be made to the question to raise the impact.

how does it affect you?




  1. no, i mostly find them amusing or boring, depending on how new/interesting/lame they are. you should take some tips off la rose. she's the best anti-feminist troll in my opinion. your questions are currently falling into the boring category

    lord voldemort - if someone asked the question "are women better than men?" you would be quite justified in calling that question lame and boring. this question is asked by a troll, not a 'serious' anti-feminist, so my response reflects this

    no probs :-) i noticed you weren't around so much. despite our numerous disagreements, i hope you are well

  2. I'm not harrassed by the questions.

    I'm harrassed by the report monkeys.

  3. How do your questions  influence  me? The only way they should, I point and laugh at the idiotic questions (like yours,) I answer the reasonable ones with a fair and sensible answer. I am currently pointing and laughing at you, as best I can in cyber space that is.  

  4. What was that Harry Potter quote again? Ah, yes, here is the gem from Professor Quirell:

    "Trooool! In the dungeon! Troll in the dungeon!

    Though you ought to know."

    sam: Thanks for the heads-up. I come here rarely, so I really lose track of who's a troll and who isn't. I thought the asker was serious.

  5. Nah, they're mostly just an irritation now. Kind of like my dust allergy.

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