
Feedback on my singing, please? :)?

by  |  earlier

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Now, I haven't had any formal training, or taken any classes.

I did choir last year.

that's about it.

& I'm almost 15. take age into consideration maybe? =/

but feedback & comments would be really great.

thank you! :]]






  2. idk the link isnt there

  3. I think you have a raw talent that can really be brought out by singing lessons. You were mostly in tune, and your high voice is very sweet. Maybe get some singing lessons to really whip your voice into shape, and then take it from there. =] Very nice! x*x

  4. I had trouble hearing you over my computer.  It was making some high pitched squealing noise.  I'm sure it was okay.

  5. that was so sweet!! you have potential but i would probably skip the high notes and sing a little more forcefully.

  6. I'll have to agree with the previous answer regarding your voice. You do the piano well enough i think. Seeing you're only 15, still a lot of things could happen. If you feel music is your way, then Go for It.

  7. It's not bad, but you should probably consider taking some voice classes.

  8. The high notes were really bad. You can sing on pitch but I would try using the lower register. Your head voice (the high voice that you were using) sounds pretty annoying and weak. Many voice teachers will try to develop your head voice; the chest voice (which is your speaking voice) is stronger so you want your head voice to get as strong as your chest voice and eventually connect the two. There is usually a gap between the head and chest voice, a breaking point, and a teacher will give you exercises to try to connect the two. There is technique called Speech Level singing which I highly recommend. Seth Riggs is the originator. He has book with 2 CDs called "Singing for the Stars." This method develops the middle area between your chest and head voice so that, once your head and chest voices are developed, there will be a smooth transition all the way up and down your register.

    If you want to sing you should invest in at least a CD of vocal exercises.  Be VERY careful to follow directions exactly. If you practice wrong your body will learn to sing wrong. NEVER push your voice. Don't do anything that is uncomfortable or strains your vocal chords.

    Like I said, you can sing on pitch so that's a good start - you have a good foundation - but you're not ready to sing in front of people. It will take regular and persistent practice but, if you stick with it, I think you'll be happy with the results.

    Also, search youtube for Eric Arceneaux.

  9. its good and tune full, but i do think if you want to get anywhere with it, you ought to get some formal training

    because there doesn't seem to be much power and control in your voice

    but still, its pretty tune full and you have plenty of singing potential


    but keep practising.


    Thats me.


  11. You're off on a good start.

    Try taking classes, and I bet you'll sound better.

    Good Luck :)

  12. its in a lil to high of a pitch, it kinda hurt my ears.

  13. voice lessons

  14. not bad not bad...voice training may help u get even better though...good luck :)

  15. no offense but not so good but maybe you should try something else

  16. Your voice is pretty good. The song is good too!!! Never ever give up. Keep practicing and trust yourself. You will be a good singer one day for sure. I am not joking. Just think that YOU CAN DO IT. That's it.  

  17. Dont EVER leave your day job :)

  18. The link is beat, but it sounds like you stunk.  

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