
Feedback regarding bday gift for 5 yr old stepdaughter??

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My stepdaughter’s birthday is in a week and we’re sending her present down to her mother’s house so she can open it at her party. When we spoke to her on the phone, we asked what she wanted and couldn’t understand what she was trying to say. (She’s at the speaking level of below a 2 yr old) And we don’t ever ask her mother because she always tells us the most expensive thing possible and well, we don’t really have tons of money.

Given that my stepdaughter is a little behind developmentally, we talked about buying her some fun, educational type games or toys. She’s not currently in any sort of daycare or preschool and her mother made the choice of not enrolling her in kindergarten so we feel even moreso that she needs some sort of educational toys.

Now I know little girls love toys, Barbies, Hannah Montana, etc. Do you think my stepdaughter would be disappointed if we bought her something educational rather than more Barbies or more toys?

If we had the money to buy both, we would, but unfortunately we don’t have enough to do that.

Any ideas on some good educational gifts? Or some themed toys that are fun but also help a child learn?

Thanks for your help!




  1. I think that the gift from her Father should be something with meaning, not educational.  I know you stated money is an issue, but this poor girl (I'm guessing) doesn't get to see her Father very often.  I think it's important that since he wont be spending her birthday with her, the gift he sends her should have a special meaning.  Does she live far from you guys?  maybe go to the Dollar Store & get her a doll in there (they're very inexpensive) and along with that, they have educational activity books.  You could send her a gift box, w/ several items in it (both educational & something she'll enjoy).


    ^^ that could be helpful in developing her strength and such in her fingers for writing and drawing

    ^^her mother could help her with this, showing her how to follow instructions

  3. Yeah try this:

    My 6 year old has one and loves it, she's has learned alot from it, and it comes with built in games so you don't have to buy any, it also comes in pink.  My 4 year old son also has one, we had to buy him one bc he always wanted his sisters!

  4. I can understand why you would want to give her an educational gift, but I think a toy she would enjoy more she is only 5 a toy is what she will be hoping for. You may not have alot of money maybe you and your husband can cut back on something like not going out to eat ar the movies. This is your husbands daughter maybe then you could get her both. My husband and I have no money but we always find a way to get our two children stuff for thier birthdays.  

  5. you could get her a leapster and that way she can get barbie and hanna montana stuff to play on her leapster... I LOVE Leapfrog stuff!  

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