My son used to eat very well. We were in the process of transitioning from baby food to baby food/regular food to regular food. Now suddenly he does not want to eat. Or to be clear, eat for me. He will eat great for the sitter and his dad. With me, he will pretend to eat and then spit and/or puke it back up. I have to fight him just to get a bite in his mouth sometimes. This morning alone I tried to give him some applesauce for breakfast (I even waited hoping he was hungry). So he ate some, started fighting me, and then puked it all back up everywhere. I broke down in tears, upset, which in turn upset him. I feel like a terrible parent. I am trying my best here. The doctor says he is fine (weighs normal, looks normal). Friends act like I'm doing something wrong. My husband gets mad at me because sometimes he gets home and the baby hasn't eaten because I just can't get him to eat and/or keep his food down.
Please help me. I am losing my mind here and need advice!!!