
Feeding 6 month old?

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My son is about 6 months old. He is on solids. He does both fruits and vegetables, but I am completely lost as to how much he should be getting and how many times a day. Up until now, I have been getting the Gerber fruits and making my own vegetables and freezing them. Then, I just mix in some oatmeal and formula. He gets one thing of fruit in the morning or early afternoon, and one thing of vegetables in the evening. By the time I mix in all the ingredients, it is basically an entire bowl (one of the baby bowls you get at wal-mart). Should I be doing it differently? Is that too much for one meal? Should he be getting more than just 2 solid meals a day? Is it better or worse to mix the oatmeal in? I am so completely lost! Any advice would be greatly appreciated.




  1. do whatever you feel is right... if you feel that is right for your child then do it.

    Every mother knows their baby and knows how much food they need.

    i feed my son three times a day but less then that at a time.

    your doing great.. dont doubt yourself!

  2. what you are doing is fantastic!

    Keep up the excellent work, and just follow his lead. Once he seems to be getting the handle of the texture, and  you think he might be ready for more of a challenge - try not blending it as much (giving the same thing but coarser texture).

    once he seems to have a handle on chewing the thicker, coarser mixed meals, try him on some hand held food. Like a 1/3 of a banana, a soldier of toast etc. Maybe you could try introducing proteins such as boiled egg or mince? or a piece of sausage without skin on it?

    Once he can manage that, you can pretty much feed him anything of that consistency.

    Do you have a wizz stick (hand stick blender)?? If so, you could use that to wizz up whatever you are having for dinner and he can have the same as you? E.g. if you are having spaghetti and meat sauce, wizz up a small batch for him to try.

    Introducing solids can take time, so enjoy it. Take note of foods he likes and foods he doesn't like much. Introduce one food at a time to test for allergic reactions. And slowly build up his textures until he's eating just like you do. :)

    have fun!

    oh and no, you aren't feeding him too much or too little. If he starts having belly ache at night time, switch the solid for dinner or solids at lunch - it will give him time to digest solids well and truly before sleep.

  3. Trust me he will let you know how much he needs. My son is 15 months old now and he is just starting to really enjoy solids. At first he'd only want whole milk from his sippy bacause it would get him full faster. I thought there was something wrong with him but my pediatrician said his appetite would gradually increase when he was ready. Now he is at my feet every time he sees me eating. Just do what you think is right. Also my pediatrician said his stomach is only the size of his fist so it doesn't take very much to fill him up

  4. Sounds like you would love the book called Super Baby Food. It's all about making your own baby food and how much to give them and when to get them the right kinds of fruit vegs....pretty much everything you need to know about feeding a infant.

    The book says feed them until they turn their heads away. Usually 3-4 tablespoons at 6 months old.
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