
Feeding Corn Snakes other Food?

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I have a corn snake about 2 and a half feet long and coming up on 1 year of age. The other day when I was holding my snake before feeding and watching tv, he reached his head into the thawing bowl (eats thawed pinkies) and started grabbing the pinkies, he continued to do this through the rest of his pinkies. which got me thinking, can Corn Snakes eat other types of food, like fish or other things




  1. Yes, they'll eat frogs, baby chicks, rats, mice.  The reason it went for the thawing pinkies is it could sense it once it started to defost.  I've actually gotten struck about an hour after feeding because I had the scent on my hand.

  2. Yes, they love fish, frogs any amphibians . If you place some minnows if their water bowels, it will add years to their life and make them happier. They love hunting for fish.

  3. Although they occasionally eat lizards or snakes, wild corn snakes eat almost exclusively warm-blooded prey, such as rodents and birds. They do not eat fish.

    It would be best if you simply continue to feed it mice.

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