
Feeding Different Formulas

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Is it all right to not give a baby the same formula? Like if at one feeding he got one type but at the next a different type?




  1. no it's not ok. You should stick with one type of formula and if the baby is having trouble with it and you need to switch to another then you should mix half and half for a couple days before switching over completely because it could really upset there tummy.

  2. No you need to stay with the 1 type.  They are all different and if you chop and change formula your baby can become constipated and that's the last thing you want.  

    Find the one that you think is best for your baby and the one that agrees with  your baby and stick with it (don't change it if its working)

  3. You should stick with one kind. Babies can react differently to different formulas. I would definitely suggest sticking with one kind. It'll be easier on the baby's tummy.

  4. i would stick to the same one.. all formulas r differant & babies need time to adjust.

    When i changed my baby from one to another... it took her 2 tins to fully adjust & not cry during feeds with upset tummy etc.....  

  5. Well, it all depends on how you feel about it. Doctors will tell you to stay on the same one. I had my daughter and son 15 and 12 yrs ago and being poor, you took what you could get. Whatever ones I got on sale, marked down, coupons, garage sales, hand me overs, WIC,  they drank them. I couldnt afford to buy one kind. They seem fine to me!

  6. You should stick to one kind... ex. milk based, soy, or hypoallergenic.  It is alright though to go from say Enfamil Prosobee to Similac Isomil, or Parent's Choice soy.  As long as you stay with the same type of formula that is closely related it is fine.  I got WIC for all three of my children.  The second two ate a lot and WIC did not give me enough.  WIC gave Prosobee, but I used to buy Parent's Choice Soy at WalMart.  The babies loved it.  It did not make them gassy or anything.  It was about a third the price of Prosobee as well.

  7. I would stick to the same one. Different formulas have different ingrediants and can really mess up a babies tummy. We liked Carnation goodstart for our son.  

  8. No, it's not okay! Changing from one formula to another can irritate a baby's digestive system. Any change should be done gradually over a period of a couple of weeks. Choose one and stick to it.

  9. if you need to switch formulas go ahead, and if you are in a pinch - say you just ran out and you do have that free sample... that would probably not cause too much trouble. but it is best to keep the baby on one type, he system gets used to the formula he;s on and constantly changing it is likely to upset his tiny tummy

  10. really they say don't change them, but i have recently tried my ds on various formula's, because he doesn't really like any, and tried to find one he may like. my son has suffered no ill effects, and hasn't complained about different milk, and now i have found one he likes more than the others.

    but if you have no reason to change, then don't.

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