
Feeding Paranoid--my skinny little 2.5 yr girl?

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To begin with, she is a picky eater.

And I am not a nutritious food freak either...

Now we're on vacation, being around her aunties, grannies, i began to feel freak out! Their comments about how skinny my baby girl (she is healthy, it's for sure) that i 've failed to be a good mom. When her aunt gave her apple chunks suddenly she ates too, which surprised me because ll this time she refuse stuff that I offer, and eat it when she's offered by others. I feel happy but down at the same time. Some blame me I dont take care of her as much. Some said "Look, she is gaining weight since she is in Granparents house." Oh noo..she will be skinny again once u guys home.." well, in fact, it hurt my feelings...! Am i too sensitive?.. I'm in the middle of trying my best to feed her, raise her my way...and indeed to make her eat is not priority at all. Is it wrong?!!

Please help, your comment, your experience, your..advice...




  1. If she's healthy, that's the important thing.

    Since you mentioned that you "aren't a nutritious food freak," the only thing I'd recommend is just to make sure that you offer her as many healthy food options as possible.

    If she doesn't have a big appetite, you need to make sure that every bite that goes into her mouth counts.  Not to say that she can't ever have a treat, of course, but on a day-to-day basis most of what she is eating should have good nutritional value.

    But otherwise, I wouldn't worry too much about it, as long as her health appears to be good.

  2. well, i consider this as not a big problem. the fact is, that a baby who is less than 9 months old accumulates more baby fat which is called subcutaneous  fat than a toddler (1.5 yr to 3 yrs). that is where babies get their roundy full figure. but a child who is more than 9 months of age accumulates less baby fat. this is because  the child over 9 months is more      active than a child who is below 9 months of age.

    an average toddler is usually taller and leaner than a baby. the other reason for a child to be skinny at your daughter's age is that their weight gain and increase in height  slows down during this period. an average 2 yr old weighs only 28 pounds. if your daughter is within this range then you need not worry. and about your daughter's food habits, always try to feed her something that's very nutritious but in v. little quantities. because a toddler's appetite is less than a babies. do not force your child eat. try preparing her meals in a v.colourful manner.  use a few things that your child likes to eat with a few non-preferred food. teach your child the values of food. tell her if she likes to grow up like mommy she has to eat these types of food.

             if she's attending a Montessori or pre-school discuss with her teacher about this issue. ask her  to speak about the values of different food items during circle time. there may be other kids who are not fussy eaters. they may enthusiastically speak about their encounters. this may intrigue  your daughter to eat healthy food.  

             there was an incident where a child used to always fuss and throw tantrums whenever it was time for brushing her teeth. her mother spoke about this with the child's Montessori teacher. the teacher then utilized the circle time to speak of the importance of protecting teeth. when the other kids started telling their stories about brushing their teeth, this little girl felt guilty and then she stopped fussing when brushing her teeth. this is a very effective way to get your kid to do things(good things) they don't do.  

                                  again NEVER try to force in any food. this would only make things worse. tell her stories about the values of food.  i hope this'll help.


  3. well first ignore your aunts and grandma two they only see what they want to see you give her food and she doesnt want it its not your fault i was like that, dont force her my mom force me to it and i end up throwing up everything that was in my stomach start with dont give her a lot of food little by little but more often to cath up

  4. i have a 2 and a half year old boy  who's also a picky eater. Lets just say he still wears 12 month pants cause hes so tiny. i took him 2 the doctors and they diagnosed him with organic faliure to strive. which simply means hes tiny 4 his age and has a high metabolism. so maybe thats what ur little girl has. just ignore all the other people.. i get the same thing from people. u know u feed ur daughter and u know u take care of her.. so forget about everyone else.

  5. If she's healthy, that's all that matters.

    As for family giving you a hard time, they should lighten up. They've expressed their concern, now they need to butt out - they aren't the parents, you are.  And you need to tell them that, that you're the parent, you're aware of how skinny she is, and you're doing your best to keep her happy and healthy!

    You aren't too sensitive, parenting is a touchy subject! It's like religion and politics - you don't bring it up unnecessarily.

    Making her eat should be a priority, she needs to grow. She should at least eat some multivitamins, they have special ones that are for kids that "Don't eat enough fruits and veggies.", "Don't enough meat", and lastly they have ones for kids that "Are very picky eaters!" - get her those ones.

  6. I agree that all Grandparents tend to be lie that.  I would try not to have your feelings hurt by it.  If she is healthy and eats at home I wouldn't stress about it.  If they continue to talk about how thin she is, I would just say she is at a healthy weight.  My son is 3 and still eats no meat, and is very picky about what he does eat. He is skinny but healthy!

  7. you are not too sensitive. those comments would hurt any mother's  feelings. but you do need to put more of a focus on making her eat healthy. it is important for her to get the right vitamins and nutrients for her growth and development. just because she asks for unhealthy foods doesnt mean you give them to her. sometimes you have to say no dessert until you eat your veggies, or no snack foods until you eat what mommy already made you for lunch. you have to put your foot down w/ kids that age! you are the mommy. :) good luck!

  8. no, your not to sensitive, i was the same with my 4 year old daughter, she was skinny, and still is.she only weighs 38lbs...(about 2 stone 10llbs, and hasn"t put any weight on for about 8 months.

    i took her to the doctors to get her checked and was told she was in the correct "centile! for her height and build.

    she"s also a very fussy eater, and hardly ever eats. so

    i try and make sure she has some healthy food, and fruit, and also give her a vitamin supplement tablet every day.

    have you had her checked by the doctor, it might be worthwhile if you did..

  9. well u said that she is 2.5years old....she should be fine and they shouldn't be saying that to your face...if its ur husbands parents than have him talk to them...if not...stand up for your self...but not infront of your 2.5 year old

  10. ALL grandparents are like that, my mom does that to me about my 4 yr. old.  I have told her my daughter does fine, but i appreciate your concern, Please do not say those comments around her, she is very attentive, and she understands what your saying, and i don't want her to be concerned about her weight, she is too young to worry about that now.

    my daughter is VERY picky but she eats enough! I know she is healthy and she NEVER gets sick for more than a day. I even took her to the Dr. and they said she was under weight and i needed a nutritionist!?

    I told him what she eats on a daily basis, and he said it all sounded good. THen i asked him what they based the weight on, He told me it was on the NATIONAL AVERAGE!!!

    i said "Aren't most of American Kids overweight?"  

    He said YES!!

    i said "my daughter is fine" and i switched doctors!

  11. Everyone says that about my oldest son. I tell them he's lucky to have gotten his MOTHER'S metabolism, so he won't have to worry about all the diseases that come with obesity.

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