
Feeding Pigs- How Much?

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I have eight 40# yorkshire feeder pigs that will be at my house soon. I have 1 ton of a 14% pellet (already feeding this to my cows and goats). I can't afford or justify buying different grain for them. How many lbs/head should I be feeding daily? We would like to grow them to the 200# range. Should I supplement with an energy feed like cracked corn? I am also having an argument with my brother in law about feeding them hay. I feel it's a waste of money because pigs, being technically monogastric, can't digest it properly. Any thoughts on this? Thanks!




  1. they will eat grass

  2. Feed them all they want to eat.  They won't eat hay or at least very little and it would be a waste of money.  Corn is the best feed that you could feed them, and probably a lot cheaper than the pellets you are feeding your cattle and goats.  They will need a protein supplement. Check with your feed store on what they recommend.    What kind of pellets are you feeding now?  I would guess that they are probably mostly compacted alfalfa.  They may be mostly wasted on your pigs.  It may be that you can't afford not to buy them a different feed supplement.  Drop by your County Extension Service for information on feeding pigs, and formulating a ration that is best for them.  Best of luck with your pigs.

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  3. We raised a few pigs when I was growing up.  We found two pigs at a time worked best as they constantly competed for food.  The whole idea at that time was to get them to gain as much weight as possible.  I never heard of giving them hay.

    Check with grocery stores sometimes they will give you unsold produce....great pig food.  

    We would finish ours with corn diet for a week or two.  Nothing better than homemade pork products, we made our own sausage, smoked and pickled hams and shoulder.  HMMMM I'm getting hungry..

    I kind of agree with another answerer who said feed them all they will eat, unless there is a movement on to get really lean meat...cholesterol and all that stuff

  4. If you can't afford to feed your pigs a *proper* ration, how do you figure feeding them *badly* will be more profitable?

    Do the pigs a favor, lady, and do yourself a favor as well. Sell them *immediately* to someone who will treat them right.

  5. Feed them all they will eat therefore toping them out sooner and with less total expense

  6. Beats me. I am not sure what is in the pellets but when I was a kid my mom fed a two lb, coffee can of corn and the same of oats and whatever leftovers that would have spoiled anyway because of lack of electricity in our house along with an enormous amount of fluids everyday.  As for feeding hay pigs eat very little of it I think..  They sure like rooting around in it and love to sleep on it..Did you know a pig is actually one of the cleanest living animals on earth?Good luck with them

  7. Your pigs won`t do well at all on the goat and cow feed. They need at least 16% protein, 17% would be better for the first 3 weeks.  Do not feed them hay, it`s too high in fiber and too low in energy.  Any pig feed should be corn or milo based with soybean meal protein. Some commercial feeds have synthetic lysine (An amino acid). Avoid cottonseed meal. Feed conversion is about 3.5 lbs feed to 1 lb gain.

  8. We have pigs and we feed them barley chop and they get veggie skins for a treat from the restaurant I work at.  No, do not feed them hay!!!!  We have 200 cattle on our farm so hay is ample....we have never fed them hay!  If you don't have a mix-mill to make chop, see if one of your neighbors could make some chop for you....a mix-mill load will last quite awhile!  We have a self-feeder in our pen....but you don't have to do dad just used to give them so much in the morning and so much in the for how much....unfortunately I can't remember and my dad is away right now or I would ask him for you!  Email me, he will be home in a couple of days and I can ask him for you.....

    He also worked in a big hog barn and all those pigs got was pellets....I will ask what kind they were!  Good luck!!

    Watch what you give them tho....we used to milk a cow and my hubby would give the pigs milk all the time for a treat and he thought they needed it...........pigs had way to much fat on them when we butchered.......yuck!!!

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