
Feeding a baby in lloret de mar?

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We are a family of four going to Lloret in June. Dose anyone know if they sell certain types of baby milk there and nappies.





  1. In the big supermarkets, Mercadona or especially Carrefour they sell everything for babies. Haven't seen  Cow and Gate but I can assure you they have everything else. The Spanish love their babies.

  2. They dont sell the brands we get here so you will need to take milk,they sell nappies but I dont know what the quality of them is like,

  3. I would suggest taking your own baby food but mix it with bottled water. Any bar would warm it for you.

    As for nappies, the brand name Do Dot I think is owned by or at least similar to pampers.

    ThIs is the answer I gave to a similar question recently.

    This link has great advice on sun screens for kids and you can download it in pdf format.

    There are no specific jabs required for Menorca.

    As for food, take your baby's normal food with you. If you run out there are always good substitutes available in the larger supermarkets.

    For your toddler I would suggest taking some undiluted juices, ones that your toddler is used to and dilute it with bottled water, try it out before you go,

    Food for toddlers and yourselves, try to stick to what you have been used to having at home as many tummy upsets are not due to bad hygiene but to changes in diet.

    Ice is very inviting in drinks but do not over do it as the water is different to what you have been used to

    Have a great time


  4. Take your own milk and nappies and don't use bottled water its to high in calcium, use their water and boil it

  5. I resent the suggestion that the multinationals have not reached Spain.

    TV in Spain is a constantstream of adverts for baby stuff.

    If I hear another ad for Dodotties, Huggies or Pampers I will scream!

    Nestle products are even available in the third world.

    The choice is probably better than at home. If in doubt about food, ask in the 'Farmacia'.

    Have a fantastic holiday!

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