
Feeding live crickets to my bearded dragon?

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Also, is the sound loud?




  1. i had a small bearded dragon and you can put the small live crickets in his bigger aquarium. He may nto find them all right away because they do tend to hide well...but over the next couple days its a happy treat for him to find one or two on his own. I aswell had bad luck with the canned crickets.  good luck with the beardy!

  2. wll you can hold him/her to feed him/her. they really like human company.

    yes buying live crickets and a cricket breeder would be the best thing to do.

    no dont put it in the small on because you wuld be doing that every day but i dont no how many they eat a day i think it is for babys daily and adults 3-4 a day but im nt to sure maby some n has better informtion.

    have a sercure lid on the cricket keeper.

    good luck


  3. beardys.. love them have had them for years... if your beardy is a small baby you shouldnt feed it in the 75 def put it in the 10 gallon for crickets or it might not be able to catch them.. they should have 6 small crickets a day when they are little but you should try and get it  to eat greens too.. feed those first because that is a really important part of their diet.. my beardys which are adults now eat and assortment of fruits veggies and greens crickets mealworms fish and pinkies..  i have heard that if your beardy is small that you should keep it in a smaller tank anyway until they are larger because it can be stressful to them to live in a bigger tank.. if you notice that it is always a darker color more brown or black.. then it is most likely stressed out.. it is very easy to tell when mine are unhappy because they turn very dark and normally they are very yellow. make sure you socialize it a lot. they are very social and love attention.

  4. 1. If your talking about the lizard's tank, you don't need to worry about them escaping if you have a tank lid, which you need.  It'll keep things from falling in and getting in the lizard tank as well as getting out. Just a simple screen lid.  If you talking about the cricket keeper, there's special keepers with black tubes where the crickets will go and hide in.  At feeding time you just need to take the tubes out and shake them in the lizard's home.

    2. The movement from the feeding tank to the home tank can turn the lizards appetite off, it's too stressful.  You just need to put them in your lizards tank and your dragon will hunt for them, they do hide but thats not a problem because the lizard will find them.

    3. and make sure you give the crickets a good varied diet, that'll make sure they're healthy and your bearded dragon; potatoes, carrots, wheats, oats....anything thats not too acidic like tomatoes and oranges. and don't forget the calcium powder and any other bearded dragon supplements.  The wet fruits and vegetables will supply your crickets with water as well.  I don't like using the jarred jelly cricket foods because theres usually chemicals in them.

    EDIT: do you mean are the crickets loud?  the only ones that make noise are the adult crickets that are ready to mate, but you have a baby lizard so you'll need small crickets and they don't make any sound.

  5. 1) Crickets usually can't escape the cricket keeper, unless your not paying attention when your dumping new crickets in the cricket keeper. Cricket keepers even come supplied with hiding spot tubes to dust crickets off in.

    2) I would recommend feeding him in the small 10 gallon tank. I have a real problem with crickets getting getting under my substrate reptile carpet, and it's a pain in the neck to hunt them down before I shut the lights off at night. It would be much easier just to feed him in a small empty tank where the crickets don't escape under the flooring.

    3) Don't handle him a lot before putting him in a smaller space to feed him, he may be a little too stressed to eat. Try and get the biggest cricket keeper you can find, because the smaller ones can only house in the hundred range. Over population can sometimes cause a lot of crickets to die, the bigger the space the better. Avoid direct sunlight on the cricket keeper as well.

    As for the sound, I have never once heard small or medium sized crickets chirp. I've only heard large ones outside chirp. Cricket keepers block a lot of sound too.

  6. yea you should put him in a liltler tank thats  just to big for him  and just dont feed him crickets feed him lots of salads thats good for him

  7. lol dont feed him canned crickets

  8. Good that you stopped feeding canned crickets; the chemicals used to preserve them can be dangerous to your beardie.

    If you get a Cricket Keeper, it will be hard for the crickets to escape. Just make sure the plastic caps are over the end of the tubes, and the tubes are in the lid. When you remove the tube to dump the crickets in with your beardie, cover the other end with your hand, or a piece of paper/card board, so they can't jump out.

    Yes, you should put your beardie into a different tank/bin to eat. Crickets hide very well, and can and will chew on dragons at night. Beardies also become VERY stressed when there are a lot of crickets crawling around their enclosure all day or night. Feeding in a seperate bin will prevent that, plus you will be able to count how many your beardie eats in a day, so you know if his appetite changes.

    Make sure your beardie's crickets are no wider or longer then the space between his eyes.  Remember to gut load the crickets with commercial cricket diets&water gels (found in petstores), and fresh veggies&greens; that will make them more nutritious to your beardie. Do NOT feed meal worms, they have no nutritional value, and can cause impaction.

    Also, make sure you are offering calcium/vitamin supplemented greens to your beardie on a daily basis. Here is a guide to all the greens a beardie can&can't eat

    The best supplements are Repcal calcium+D3 and Herptivite multi-vitamin. Babies&juvies need the Calcium 5 days a week on one feeding a day, and Herptivite 2 days a week on one feeding a day. Adults need the calcium 2 days a week, and Herptivite one day a week.

    If you need more advice, that is a good site to go to.

    Good Luck!

  9. i don't think you need a cricket keeper. it just keeps you from having to clean the cage as often.

      i have two green anoles and i just buy 40 small live crickets ($0.09 at petsmart) and drop them into the cage with the lizards. they've been alive for 4 months, so far, so i can't imagine thats wrong.

      petsmart also has a little chart that will tell you what other kind of food your guy can take. you might just be able to buy a can of mealworms. i've even seen a jar of lizard food, but i don't recall if it was for bearded dragons.

      when you get you live crickets, though, make sure and ask the clerk to dust them. its free and its just a little calcium dust to make the crickets more nutritious.

      they also have liners for the bottom of the tank to help make it easier to clean up. you just shake it out every week and hand wash it every few months.

      crickets do hide, but a hunting lizard knows how to get at them. if it makes you feel more comfortable keeping the lizard seperate, just skewer 3-4 crickets on a toothpick for it and drop them into the cage. you might even be able to train it to snatch them right off of the end and eventually to hand feed!!

  10. O K lots of varying info on this one (not to surprising, bearded dragon care is as follows: ask 10 people 1 question and you will get 15 different answers).  I have a male campfire gold bearded dragon he is 5 years old and doing well.  the info about the crickets chewing on the beardie is true for young and juvenile dragons.  not so much the adults.  so for that part feeding in a separate enclosure is a good thing.  a good way to check for calcium malnutrition is to feel the jaw bone, on beardeds it should be very hard.  if its not needs some calcium.  as far as the veggies part every one is different some like things others don't.  i would recommend going to a site and looking at the nutritional values for all greens except able for the beardeds.  use that to base what vitamins to give so you don't overdue some vitamins.

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