
Feeding my horse cereal?

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My horse really likes the honey bunches of oats cereal and I let him some eveyr once in a while as a this bad for him? Will it hurt him in any way?




  1. I doubt it.  Horses love sweets :).  Once in awhile shouldn't cause a problem for him.  The old cowboys used to let their horses have beer and coke and all sorts of stuff.

  2. No.  As long as its not 2 tons of it.  Everybody has a sweet tooth.

  3. I don't see a problem with it as long as your not giving him to much a little handful here or there for a treat isn't bad. I would google the foods horse shouldn't eat, and you might look up some recipes for horse treats. You might be able to come up with something that is better for your horse.

  4. i dont think so if its healthy for humans it might be for horses

    it has grains and oats in it,

    i want to try feeding my horse some of that too.

    dont feed him too much

  5. It's fine to feed him those. Just don't feed him a lot of them too frequently

  6. OK my horse LOVES that stuff! but i don't let him eat it every day! its a great treat.

  7. It is perfectly fine to feed your horse this as long as it is a once in a while thing.

  8. You should go to your trainer or you should read the ingredients on the back of the box. Here is a website that lists what a horse shouldn't eat.'t...

  9. It probably won't be harmful if you only give a small snack and rarely.  Horses love sugar and sweets, but it is not good for them.  Also, commercially processed foods contain lots of chemicals and preservatives.  Horses (and humans) should eat as much fresh and non processed foods as possible and pass on the junk food.  Slice up a nice apple and give him that.  He will love it just as much as it will be much better for him.

  10. I guess its okay if its got some oats in it.

    Horses love it anyways.

    Just dont give him a whole bunch.

  11. Lol no, that shouldn't hurt him. My instructor and I will feed our horses timbits [donuts] and cake sometimes, and nothing is wrong with them afterwards. Just don't overdo it.

  12. It wont hurt him, but like with to much of any good thing it could cause issues...I have some horse treat recipes with that cereal in it, also others cereals.

  13. It's fine!  It would be better stick with the healthier cereals, like Honey Bunches of Oats and other whole grain cereals.  My horses get cereal when it's time to clean out the cabinet.

  14. no its fine. i always feed my horse cereal as long as it has oats in it.

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