
Feeding pigeons in Venice? Yes or no?

by Guest58505  |  earlier

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Would you feed the pigeons when you are in Venice? Would you let them sit on you?




  1. No.... They are rats with wings.... Disgusting little things.....  Would only fed them if it was poison.

  2. No way .

  3. no, please: they are too much.

  4. Hello,

    There is no I would let them sit on me and when you feed them that is what they do.  These are wild birds and are dirty and will fight each other for the food.  I saw lots of people feeding them and they would fly onto their heads and shoulders.  It was gross.  Some people were trying just to throw the food on the ground but they still got swarmed and had the pigeons landing on them.  I didn't like it and wouldn't do it but if you want to- have fun.


  5. I'll just throw them crumbs of bread and watch them eat. <*-*>

  6. Feeding pigeons is NOT illegal in Venice, although the bare chests, dog poo and garbage is.  The corn kernel vendors are still there.  We were there just last week and the kids love feeding the pigeons (although we do the hand disinfectant right after).  I really don't have a problem with pigeons.   In fact, some forms of staph are more prevalent in dogs, yet some people sleep w/ them

  7. what about the pigeons they are not dangerous.Yes you can feed the pigeons but they are very hungry.I was in venice in 27 july .

  8. No, I would not feed them because it only encourages them to stay and there were dead pigeons all over St. Mark's square.  There were also seagulls swooping down to feed on their corpses.  I was left speechless when I saw this!  Beware of the gypsy's too.  Keep your money hidden.

  9. The pigeons are actually a severe problem and feeding them should not be encouraged . There are so many of them now that they are defacing many of the world's most wonderful building and cleaning the mess they leave is not easy. It is similar to the problem in Trafalgar square in London. The tourists love them but they are really a nuisance. Tourists think they are sweet  and many of  the locals - in the words of Ken Livingstone Mayor of London - think they are flying rats to be exterminated.

  10. Well, they are dissease infested.  I would feed them, only bread, not rice 'cos that makes their bellies swell-up and burst.  I don't know about letting them sit on me, I don't want Venician pigeon sh*t on me.

  11. I do feed them a little when I am there. I was there in July and people were feeding them alot,so I am suprised to learn that it has been banned.I was there 3 weeks ago.

  12. feeding pigeons, males walking topless and people streched out on sidewalks (resting) have just been made illegal by the venice mayor. this is because venice has recently been named an international patrimony.

  13. I would, they're harmless.  You used to be able to buy feed for 1 euro.  But it's banned now, along with sitting and eating in St. Mark's Square.

  14. It is not legal to feed the birds outside of Piazza San Marco.... and if you do feed them you can only feed them the feed that is being sold by the vendors.

    No, I would not let the pigeons sit on me.... they remind me of rats with wings. Bats are probably cleaner and better for the environment than pigeons.

  15. It's more fun watching someone else feed them then run from the attacking masses!

  16. i'd be so afraid to have a flock of pigeons attacking me in venice for thanks

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