
Feeding schedule for 5 month breastfed baby?

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My pediatrician instructed me to start solids twice day, but I'm having a hard time figuring out where to fit the solids into my baby's routine. I read in some places to breastfeed first, then solids. Others, to feed solids first, and in others, to feed solids between nursing sessions. Also, how often should she be nursing? A lactation consultant told me I should offer the breast every 3 hrs, which she takes, but it seems like she could go for longer. I appreciate your help!




  1. I have a 6 month old and I breast feed twice in the morning and star out w/ a rice cereal around 12.. then I breastfeed again and then I do gerber around 4 again... I feed the solid and then breastfeed... I feed my son every 3-4 hours

  2. I'd feed her when she yells at five months old, plus at bedtime. And I'd give solids at a relatively fixed time, the times that will become her mealtimes - say midday and six in the evening, or whatever your family uses? That way there's no big change as she gets older and starts eating real food with the rest of the family.

    At five months a baby feeds when they feed. I never heard of timetables and offering the breast on a schedule for anyone once breastfeeding was established, and that's only a very few weeks. You're way past that.

    Why has your ped suggested introducing solids early, though? It's strongly advised to wait until six months unless you really can't, and if you think your baby could happily go more than three hours between feeds you're so not in that situation... if I were you I'd do some research before giving her any solids at all. Unless there's a specific medical reason for it, of course, in which case ignore me :)

  3. Try feeding your child in the morning and in the after noon. Breastfeed first as the solid food should not replace the breast milk as this stage.  

  4. Definitely nurse before you offer the solids, you don't want the solids to replace any nursing sessions.  Is your baby showing the signs of being ready for solids?  Most recommendations now are to start solids after 6 months, but if your baby still seems hungry and is sitting well unassisted and seems interested in food it may be time to start.  You just have to figure out what works into you and your baby's schedule.  Some babies go for longer stretches between nursing, so if your baby wants to go longer (or shorter) than 3 hours, follow her lead.  My daughter is almost 13 months and she still nurses about every 2-3 hours 6-8 times per day depending on her mood.  Start with a small amount of solids, like a few bites, your baby will let you know if she wants more or less (less by spitting back up any amount that was too much).  Here's some good reading material:

    "Is my baby ready for solid foods?"

    "How do we get started with solids?"

    Just an added side note - all babies are different, keep that in mind - my daughter took mostly breast milk and only a little bit of solids up until she was close to a year old.  Some days she would only take breast milk and maybe snack on a few cheerios, that was it.  It's okay, has info to back that up, I considered solids just as "practice" until she got closer to a year, I knew she was getting all that she needed from nursing.

    Good luck :)

  5. And the solids should be just a taste at this stage, IMO. It shouldn't be a main source of nutrition, just to help get baby used to the new tastes and textures.

  6. yes milk is still important .  

    my baby wakes up around 5.30 am has breast then goes back down at 6.50am ( werid I know but on the dot ) this is because he is so tired, but i do offer him the other breast before bed.

    He wakes around 40 min after that and I will feed him his pair and rice cereal ( mixed together ) then hold him off milk until 9-9.15am then he goes back to bed for morning nap at 9.30am so he is still getting his milk just breakie inbetween.

    he normally wakes around 11-11.30am so gets milk then offer breast again before afternoon nap 1-1-30pm he usually has short nap this time so about 2-2.30pm he wakes gets the breast  again

    dinner is 3.30-4pm then bath at 4.30pm he has night bottle at normally crashes out after that for the night.

    just my experience as a guide :) good lcuk

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