
Feeding schedule for a 2 month old?

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I am curious as to what kind of feeding schedule your baby has/had at about 2 1/2 months old. She was doing well at feeding about 3 oz. of formula every 2-3 hours, but now she takes 4 oz. first thing in the morning and sleeps for 3 hours then takes another 4 oz., then it all goes down hill from there.

She constantly falls asleep while feeding. Demands formula every 2 hours, then maybe will drink 2 or 3 oz. and then passes out then wants to eat again in 2 hours.

Is this normal?? I was thinking she should be eating about 4 oz. every 3 hours.

It is too late in the day for me to call the pediatrician, I just wanted to hear what some of you all had to say. I will call my pediatrician tomorrow though.





  1. She is still pretty young to be on a schedule. With babies this young they will eat when they need to  

  2. my  baby is also 2 months old and she's not on a feeding schedule. i feed on demand and the number of feedings depend on the day. sometimes she'll demand every two hours, and sometimes if she's sleeping, she can go up to 5 hours with no feeds. i let her decide when she wants to eat.

    we had her 2nd month check up today and her ped. said at this age she could have 5 feedings of 150ml or 6 feeding of 120ml, depending on the baby.

  3. Hi,

    I think the most important thing to start with is to get your baby into a good sleep routine.  I had massive problems with getting my 4 month old son to sleep.  He would just lie awake and cry for hours, then when he finally went to sleep he would wake every hour or two hours through the night and cry again!  Talk about pulling our hair out .... we were absolutely desperate for sleep!

    It was a baby sleep audio program recommended by a friend that finally saved us. We followed the advice and began by creating a baby sleep routine which included bathtime, dimming of the lights, putting James into his crib, final nappy change and then lullabies. We also made recommended changes to his naps during the day and used some of the other recommended techniques. Within two weeks he was sleeping through the night most nights with just the odd night where he would just wake once!

    Definitely start by creating a good baby sleep routine though and you could find that solves most of your baby sleep problems.

    Good luck!

    If you want to take a look, the audio program is at

  4. My children were/are breastfed. they were fed on demand. sometimes it was every 2 hrs, sometimes every 4 hrs.

    i also pumped w/my 1st and my 3rd, i noticed that with my 1st he demanded 5 oz (at about 2 months) every 3 hrs, while my 3rd demanded only 2 oz every 2 hrs. until she was near 5 months old. she didn't want anymore than that at each feeding. my 2nd and my 4th were little piggies, they ate almost every hour! i breast fed them exclusively though so i don't have any idea how much they had per feeding.

    whether breastfed or formula fed babies are all different. there are no set rules when it comes to feeding. it's best to follow your baby's cues.

  5. every baby is different..

    we all wish that out baby act exactly from child guideline book.

    eat and sleep all day.. and sleep through the night.. and eat only every 4 to 5 hrs about 4 to 6 ounce.

    however.. i will say follow your instinct and when your baby says i am hungry. i know it sounds not logically make sense. there is many situation parents are dying to set the schedule for their kids. it sounds really nice.. which is good training.. but it's more adults' convenience.

    usually up to 3 month 2 to 3 hour is normal. but my other friends told me that their kinds sleep through the night since 1month old.. didn't bother to eat. they sounded really happy. but i rather let them well fed and regardless of the schedule. it might work for others kinds might not for yours.

    listen to your child. and trust your judgment. you know your kids more than anyone in this world

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