
Feeding young ball python?

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My friend has a young (I think baby) ball python that's shedding. I think my friend says the python is like almost done shedding, like he's at the last stage or something. She's wondering if she can feed the python during this process.




  1. it will be busy shedding so wait till he's done!!

  2. it would be best to wait to feed it until the snake is done shedding...wait a day after the snake has shed.  do NOT put a few mice in the cage with the snake that could result in the mice killing the snake.  when its time to feed the snake take the snake out of its tank and put it in a feeding tub (a plastic box with holes drilled in it for air flow) put the mouse in with the snake...if live do not leave the mouse and snake unattended the mouse could kill the snake if the snake doesn't eat.  after the snake has eaten wait a few minutes for the snake to come out of feeding mode (your friend will have to learn the snakes "body language" over time for this) and then put the snake back in its tank.  dont handle it for at least 24 hours after eating.

    good luck!

  3. try to, but it might not want to eat. the best thing is to let a few mice run around the tank, until the snake is done.

  4. how big is the ball python? There aren't really stages in shedding. They turn dull colored their eyes turn silver and they don't eat during this process. then when they shed they do it overnight it one sitting. and it stresses them out to try and feed it during. they wont eat. Don't feed live either the mouse or rat can scratch or bite the snake and hurt it very bad. feed either pre killed live or frozen thwaed but most ball's don't eat frozen thawed. also if this grosses your friend out she shoudln't have a ball python. Also don't feed it inside the cage it can get bedding impacted in its mouth and hurt it. feed it in a rubbermaid container or cardboard box lined with newspaper. wash your hands before handling the mouse or rat and then use 9 inch feeding tongs available at a reptile store and then feed. (they can sense the heat of your hand and it confuses them if you just hold it with your hand plus theres a chance it will mistake your hand for food. is your friend ready for a snake that can grow 6 feet long and need to feed on large rats?

  5. No. its best to wait until its done shedding completely. No matter what age it is the ball python will usually not eat during the shedding process.

  6. You can try, but they might not eat. As with a ball python when they are NOT shedding, they dont eat on a weekly basis, so... perhaps, she or he (the snake) might not be hungry. During shedding they generally dont want to do anything with food. Good luck!

  7. after he get done shedding he will be VERY hungery so just wait to then

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