
Feel alone in this world... Help, please?

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My friends have just bailed on me. I just see the way the world is becoming an unwelcoming, violent place and I hate it. I don't know why, but every day I wake up, I feel extremely sad and lonely. Like I said, my friends just don't care about me at all (funny to call them "friends"). They love partying, going to starbucks as an every wednesday activity and don't care about their futures. I love to read, know what's happening in the world, and actually take time and great effort into getting good grades and planning my future. I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but I feel as if someone just stabbed me right into the heart. I can't stop crying, I feel weak and like I have nobody in this world. I don't really get along with myself either, so even being alone sometimes can be painful. Does anyone have any advice? what do you do when you feel so lonely?




  1. If your friends bailed, then they really weren't friends. You are obviously NOT powerless, since you posted this.

    Sometimes I feel the same way you do, my friends seem too shallow or frivolous or stupid for me to hang around them. I'd rather sit at home watching the news or reading a book.

    You are not doing anything wrong.

    Sometimes when I'm lonely I watch YouTube and some of the stunts those jackasses try to pull. It's always good for a laugh.

    You are definitely NOT alone.

  2. I'm right there with you. I'm going into 9th grade and I've felt the same way for a while now. I'm assuming you're still in high school. If you think about it, you probably won't see anyone from high school again after you graduate. The little things that people say make me so depressed but when I think about it, I shouldn't care what they think because I'm never going to see them after I go to college. It'll all work out in the end for me, and I'm hoping and praying it does for you too.

    P.S. You're doing the right thing in planning out your future. You'll be much more successful than them. Just make it through high school and see where your life takes you. You'll be happy once you're married and have a family and their on welfare.

  3. that's so weird.

    i feel the EXACT same right now.

    but, to be honest [this is going to sound lame]

    and probably no very good advice,

    but i play guitar hero when i'm lonely.

    or my drums.

    but if you have something like that, it helps a lot.

    like, drawing,

    listening to music,

    talking to family helps, too unless you hate them.

    but i think you should make new friends who enjoy the same stuff.

    now, i'm 15,

    and i understand how hard making friends is.

    i refuse to make new friends, because they'll never be as good as my old ones.

    and it sucks.

    but seriously, like, join a club at school or something.

    get yourself out there.

    that's all i got.

    good luck.

  4. The only thing you are doing wrong then is hanging out with jackasses.  Find some better people to hang out with who are smart and have actual ambitions and goals like you do.  It will happen naturally.  Keep your head up and keep doing what you are already.  

  5. if you want you can email me. look for my question i just posted. feel the same as you do, probably worst.

  6. Funny you basically described my life. Obviously you need new "friends". If you are really stressing this much I would also suggest therapy. It may sound crazy but it really helps. Person number 1 that answered it is right too. Focus on things you like and everything will fall in place.


    i feel the same way now help with mine  

  8. ppl are aholes

    i know that sounds cold hearted but its true.  I never invest too much trust in ANYONE so I wont get hurt later, not even my parents.  The trick is to learn not to find happiness in other ppl but in something that will be consistent and stable in making you happy, such as a hobby.

    Also your friends are just aholes.

  9. There are a lot of overactive hormones going through you right now. Keep your head up things will get better.

  10. listen to the song one last cry by brian mcknight. poor lil baby. awww.

  11. It's called depression.

  12. You sound somewhat depressed, which is normal given that you've matured beyond your friends, or maybe they've given up caring.  Either way, you care, and I think you want to be able to make a difference.  You will, maybe not for awhile, but you will.  As for feeling alone, in one way you are, but it's just because each of us matures at a different rate.  You are not alone in doing this.  Almost everyone has gone through it and survived.  It actually makes us more self reliant and stronger because we use the time to figure out what we believe and how to reason.  This time will pass, and you will meet people with whom you will share more than a passing acquaintance in a classroom.  Some, you will find before you graduate, some in college, and some as you follow your interests.  As I said, this will pass, and you have an interesting future ahead of you.  

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