
Feel free to criticize as much as you want-,but please read!?

by  |  earlier

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Tranquil in the sky,

Approaching the horizon,

Firey oranges,

Blazing yellow,

Passioinate reds,

Midnight purples,

Clouded on an endless canvass.

Expansive as the ocean.

Forever as love.

living as The Light.

mysterious as the clouds that tower over ships and boats and docks and moors.

the setting sun.




  1. I like it a lot. there are a few spelling errors: fiery, passionate.

  2. its a good start

    but honestly, very plan

    u need to add more, its nothing special, u need to add him something else

    it has no point

    u need to make it have i point \

    give it more of a story, like hint at what all these mean to you

    give it a hidden meaning that will make people want to think

  3. I honestly think it's amazing!

  4. I LOVED the "Clouded on an endless canvas"! Great job!

    Read my poem?;...

  5. Thats cute

  6. Aww, I like this a lot.

  7. not much into poetry, but its okay i guess

  8. Nice! I like how you compared the colors of the clouds. Thanks for that. When there's a question on Yahoo Answers for the answerers to read a poem, 9/10 of the time it's drenched with emocracy (I just made that word up). It's great to hear a poem that makes you feel good. And seriously, that's pretty good, you should try to get it published. Good Luck if you do try!



    don't listen to the other answerers, that was a great poem. Please don't change it- I like the 2nd to last line.

  9. i love itt =]

  10. Not bad my friend, but I'm not too sure about the line before the end. Not to brag or anything but my major is in English Literature, so I should know about these things. But keep going, lookin good!

  11. Ooohhhh so thats what you were not inall the whole wide world banging talking singing aobut>..... I get it man...

  12. love it

  13. veryy soothiing. i luv it

  14. beautiful. I also love the colors of the sky

  15. wow thats really good-love it!

  16. Tranquil in the sky

    this can be blue grey

    the next 4 lines are the colors of

    a sunrise

    it has colors of red yellow orange

    Pink purple blue tinges would be a sunset

    sunrise sunsets are beautiful

    but you will always be

    You will always shine

  17. i love the soothing feeling it has in it , but i think its missing something .

  18. is this a school poem if not it stinks sorry not to be mean or anything its like a freakin list


  20. It touched me deeply--and that is what poetry is about.  Some get it-some don't. Thank you.

  21. I loved it!

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