
Feel guilty about leaving dog?

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im 20 years old and im in a long term relationship. I have a 1 and a half year old border collie. I love him to bits and we share a very close bond. The problem is I always feel really guilty when I go out to see my boyfriend. Im at home nearly all day with my dog but still feel bad when i go to stay at my boyfriends (which is quite often)

i live with my parents and they love my dog to bits aswell and they spoil him so am I just being silly worrying about going out?




  1. I don't think you're being silly at all. At least he has your parents there when you're not, though.

  2. You just love him.  I am the same way with my dogs.  When I am at work and have to work over I am a nervous wreck and cant wait to get home to them.  If your parents are there with him, then you shouldnt worry to much.  

  3. Wow, I am in the same situation except now my mom is like "You need to take her along", however, my BF's mom isnt so thrilled to have my dog over because she is still potty training, and barks sometimes. I feel guilty too leaving her behind because she barks when I leave the house, so I can still hear her once I close and lock the door.

  4. Your dog will be fine.  Enjoy your relationship and your dog,

  5. I know its hard but remember he is a dog not a human they do not have the same feelings as we do yes he might make a fuss when your going out but its not coz he will miss you its coz he thinks he should be going out to.

    you are allowed a life so stop feeling guilty your dog is well looked after and well loved that is all that matters at the end of the day

  6. Take her on a walk before you leave so you know that you've given her time and the exercise she needs.  Border collies are extremely intelligent and get bored easily. They like to be stimulated, so make sure you tire her out on ur walks (daily if possible).  See if there are any ranches you can take her to to allow her to do what comes naturally (which is herding) U'll be amazed how it comes to her her by instinct and she'll be the happiest when she's able to herd.  Trust me and make an effort in locating someone willing to let you visit their ranch.  Start by calling horse ranches from the phonebook and ask if they know anyone with a ranch/farm with sheep.

      Also, when u DO have to leave her, get one of those rubber dog toys that you can put treats in.  I would have one with 2-3 treats and another with a spoonful on peanutbutter.  They'll go to town on it and will like it clean for an hour!  

    I had to board my dogs when I left out of town and they had me leave a shirt I had worn so that they had my scent with them.  So if u designate a room to her or leave her outside, leave her with an old shirt that has ur scent and a few toys and she should be fine.

      Last resort is to really sit down and not be sellfish about the situation.  Put ur emotions aside and do what's best for her and what would make her most happy and content.  Even if giving her away to a friend or relative, she wont forget u and you can always visit her.

    I had to give my baby away to my best friend when I moved accross the U.S. It was the hardest thing to part with him, but it was the best for him and whenever I'd visit, he'd recognize me.

    Hope this helps...  

  7. All dogs have to be left alone its normal for a dog to feel this way, Dont worry about him In the wild dogs spend all day sleeping ! Get him a kong to keep him ocupied <- a Kong toy can keep a dog amused for hours  

  8. just dont leave him alone...leave him with someone u trust n he should be fine

  9. nah, make sure he gets plenty of exersize before you leave that way he will be tired. it seems like your parents got him under control lol

  10. Yes, you are worrying about nothing.  It would be different if your dog was left alone in the house, but, since your parents must be around often, when you are out, I do not see that it is a problem.

    Since you are in a long term relationship, it is about time you introduced your boyfriend to the idea of sharing the house with a dog.  if he is not happy about that idea, then you need to find a new boyfriend who can love the dog like you do.

    I dated a couple of guys who obviously, did not like dogs, so I dumped them pretty quickly, then found a man who was wonderful to my little dog, and he and I are still together after 15 dog obviously had good judgement.

  11. yes it ok he will be sad but  he is happy to se you again

  12. you have no reason to feel guilty , sounds like hes in good hands when your out.

  13. Its fine that you leave your dog - especially since it has company with your parents while you are away.

    Are you allowed to bring your dog with you to your boyfriends?  If so, bring the dog sometimes.

    My boyfriend and I have two minpins, and we feel guilty about leaving them for any extended period of time (he is home with them all day, every day until I get home from work, so they are never really alone)  Sometimes, when we feel like doing something fun, we'll try and find something to do where we can bring the dogs too, like go to the beach or hike a trail, so we don't have to leave them home.

  14. Actually, much as I empathise with your 'guilt' feelings, I think you are (being a bit silly that is!).  It's not as if you are leaving your BC on his own.  He's in familiar surroundings and with people he knows, even if not you, when you take these trips, so I'd say get on with it really.  You have to live your life - if it gets too hard for you, can you take him with you?  Boyfriend will probably react, I guess!!!  However, can I just float one thought - what if the visits with bf turns into something more permanent!!  This situation with your dog will need addressing then won't it?

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