
Feel isolated in the classroom?

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I am taking a Resident Care course...In my class the students are 18 and up. Me, I'm 24...But I feel like like we are 13. the students dislike me.

It all happened when I talked to the teacher. I expressed my personal concerns. This conversation should have been confidential but apparently it wasn't. She has a cousin in the classroom as well as a few friends. Anyways, she ended up telling her cousin what we discussed and from there I noticed some students dont like me.

Im sorry but this is really hard to explain in short form.

Anyways, some particular students will go out of their way to disrespect me. I am frusterated. I dont enjoy being in class. Im ready to go over board!!

Guess Im looking for words or encouragement to keep my head high. Because honestly I just want to cry.




  1. Make other friends outside of class.  When in class, focus on Resident Care, and ignore the other students.

  2. try 2 talk it out!!! ask them why r they so disrespectful?? or try 2 make friends outside of class it might help?

  3. i too had this same problem ...........but now i dont want anybody's love.i dont give a speck of importance to my friends now.happy to be alone.

    be bold ,hold ur head high ,work and be a topper in the class ,then friends may come to u or they will not. why would u want friends that hurt u?its better not to have them .

    a stage will come in ur life thinking that u wasted ur time and life for a silly thinng as this.if u r alone accept it many are alone ,one day or other others will learn that they are alone too.

    and the friends u see in a a gang may be not be real friends ...all are just adjusting .they might not be sincere friends at dont feel let confident .dont waste ur time on this silly issue please as i wasted five years of my life!!!!!!

    believe me depression is a waste of time and life.u will understand it once u are out of this feeling.if u wait for happiness u will wait for be happy right now.

  4. Hi,

    The situation in which you are everybody gets once in a life time, as nobody is perfect, You took the initiative by talking to your teacher, & the teacher was supposed to keep it confidential, as mixing of proffesional & personal life is not good to be followed in any proffesion.

    The best way to resolve any problem is to ask questions to oneself, if you can't trust anyone or you do not have a councler.because sometimes we creat the problem ourselves,by just getting entangled in our own complexes.

    # What makes you think that you are different ?

    # Why your classmates don't like you ?

    # Are you coplexed that you are older then them ?

    # Does your age bother you, if yes then you have to get out of your inferiority complex ?

    Second step is to communicate, as it is the only bridge you can walk on & make relationships & make them work too, approach your classmates with a healthy attitude, & tell them that you have been feeling excluded thats why you talked to the teacher, as you too wish to have friends & enjoy your study/course time, be open to the suggestions, advice, but follow them if you find them reasonable, Do not try to play a older member, but get involved with them,& do all those things you did when you were 18, or if you missed any then this is the time to do those & when you need to play your age just play it, as being wise gives you an edge.

    being involved in all this do not forget your studies, keep a pace with them too

    take control of your life & enjoy it.

  5. I did study law in the evening part-time programme. There were many students from different age-groups. They could all interact with each other without any problem. Since you are all mature, you cannot expect the kind of youthful interaction among all. Accept this as a reality. You do not have to expect any thing better. If they remain aloof, so be it. You can maintain your distance and a quiet dignity.

  6. the samething used to happen to me.but now it does not happens usually.because now i understand that there are some people,who does not like good behave.if you behave good to them,they are going to be bad to you.but if you behave strongly to them they are going to be nice to you.but if you cant be strong,just ignore them and pay attention to your a good student,then everybody will be under your feet.

  7. if a teacher breaks a confidentiality, go to her boss, the principal.

  8. 18 and up, and you're an aged, uh, 24?

    What did you say?

    Do you have nay idea why some students seem to not like you?

    Disrespect how?

    The teacher needs to enforce a basic level of respect.

    Can you drop the class?

    I don't see why letting other people make you cry helps.

    Should you be talking to someone about all this, uh whatever? Like your advisor, or the department head?

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