
Feel like I can't go on anymore?

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my longtime girlfriend doesn't care about me anymore, my parents have emotionally abused me for as long as I can remember and make me feel like c**p all the time so I can't ask for their help, I don't have any friends here anymore, I'm all alone at a university. Everyone around me seems to be having a good time and I'm miserable. My whole life is over, has anyone overcome anything like this all at once before??? please help me




  1. Your whole life is not over dont think that way friend. If i could explain all my longtime girlfriends who have shut me out without an ounce of regret for no reason then i would but thats no way to live! you cant dwell on the past man. as much as your parents are like that deep down they care for you or you woulnt have lived this far. you do have options now however that your an adult.

    You cant ask for their help maybe, but you can ask for help else where at a councling office. they help people alot in many ways, its very helpful. ive seen a councelor since i was in 3rd grade man. yeah , it may seem everyone else is having the time of their life but everyone has problems, some are just better at hiding them.

    June 24 i tried killing myself for reasons you have stated. after being involuntarily hospitalized i finally realized how much my "mean" parents truly cared for me, along with the rest of my family i thought had no love for me whatsoever. in the short hospital stay i matured very quickly and am getting my life on track. so it can be done, and you will get over this lump too my friend. message me if you ever need someone to tallk to .

    xslipknotfreak46 - aim

    xxslipknotfreak46 - Y!im - msn

  2. Well gee, with the way you think, no wonder your life is a living h**l. Did you ever hear the line, "you are your own worst enemy"? Start building a positive point of view and change your thoughts. Then you can have anything you want. If you only focus on the bad things in your life, thats all that will keep being delievered to you. If you start thinking positive, the same reality will follow. It takes effort but it works like no other. The more you think positive the easier the positive thoughts will be to think down the line.

    One easy way to start is to start focusing on what you DO have instead of everything you don't. Life will be so much more pleasurable.

  3. I think many of us have been in a situation where it feels like your whole world is collapsing in on you at once.

    It will get better.  You have to believe that.

    It is understandable that you are miserable, you have a lot going on. You need to take it one day at a time.. don't overwhelm yourself  and dwell on all the bad(girlfriend, family, arghhh!) and wallow in it.  If you do, it will drag you down further.

    You need to surround yourself with people that care about you and treat you well.  If your family is abusive and make you feel like c**p, stay away. I know they are your family, but at the moment they are doing you more harm than good.  Maybe you can't(or don't want to) stay away completely, but clearly do not look to them for emotional support when they are not prepared to give it.

    There are no easy answers as to what you should do, every situation/person is different.   You may want to consider finding a therapist(I'm sure your university can help) and even medication if he/she feels it would help.  You can also try to reconnect with an old friend, someone that you can talk about everything going on.... talking works wonders, just being able to vent and get everything off your shoulders can start the healing process.

    Good luck

  4. I've been there. Give yourself some time and everything will come together. If you feel suicidal, got to the ER, ASAP! Don't let it go without telling someone. Also, if you talk to a counselor or a psychologist, they can help work with you to feel much better.Take care of yourself. Keep your head up!

  5. i have been through this situation before. i know how painful, hopeless, and lonely it feels. i too was completely isolated, bad relationship with a boyfriend who wasn't really there for me, and unable to talk to my parents, with no real friends to speak of. i felt like there was no point even getting up in the morning, except that i had to go to class. so this is what i did. i didn't study in my room, all alone. i studied in the library. just made it easier to concentrate, being around other people. and i joined study groups for some of my classes. and i even made a few friends that way. the most important thing you can do right now is to remember how awesome you are (even though you probably don't feel like it), and keep your confidence up. open yourself up to meeting new people. find clubs or groups that interest you, and you will meet some cool people. and don't dwell on that girlfriend; in a few months time you will have moved on. college is a time for finding yourself and learning how to navigate your life. you're navigating a crappy part right now, but remember, this too shall pass. and one thing that really surprised me when i went through this, was that when i tried talking to my parents, sometimes they actually listened. they could relate to some of the stuff i was going through, though i expected they'd just get mad at me for being too weak or something. i was wrong. they're much cooler than i had ever thought. i encourage you to try opening up to your parents too, just a little at a time. keep your chin up. i got through it, and by the next year i had a big group of friends and was having a blast.

    best of luck to you

  6. Life isn't easy honey, but it doesn't have to be miserable either.  Forget about your girlfriend (if she doesn't care about you, you need to move on), suggest family counseling with your family (have you ever let them know how you feel?)  Meanwhile, focus on doing things that you love.  True friends will always be few, you might find a new friend in a place where you never expected.  And think about 10 years, will any of your problems now matter?  Good luck to you.

  7. ya im still going though it i have seen another face in months im stuck in the house all day and im alone. and yesterday i almost tryied to kill myself talk to your doctor they'll help more then your parents. i havent go to the doctor for this im trying to do this myself but its not going well.

  8. every day of my life the thing that help me is praying in some form because when i have no one to talk to at least i can get all my frustrations out .also try to make some friend join a club something that interests you . you can meet people you never know even your future wifee  

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