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Okay, so I have liked this one boy since I was in 6th grade, now I'm in 10th grade. But back in 6th grade he moved to Colorado and I live in Pennsylvania. And about two weeks ago, he came up to visit all of his friends here, before he heads back to school. Back in 6th grade I could barely even look at him, let alone talk to him. But anyways the town that I live in was having this picnic, it was like our school picnic. And some of my friends and I were up in the school parking lot just talking. And my best friend Carlie called me on my cell phone to come down to the picnic (the picnic was right in front of the school parking lot) So I told my friends and we waled down. Then I saw Carlie walking towards me. She was like "Hey, what was that boys name that you liked back in 6th grade?" I was like "Nate!" Then I saw her waving to someone to come over to me. And all of a sudden I saw Nate walking towards me. He came over and shook my hand, and was like "Hey I'm Nate, whats up?" And my heart just started pounding, and I just got real nervous. But as he started to talk to me he made it so comfortable to talk to him. It was a really good feeling, that I never in my life experienced. So about 10 minutes into our conversation he was like "Do you want to hang or something tomorrow?" I was just in shock so I said "Yeah, sure!" But I totally forgot that I really was doing something. Then we exchanged numbers. So, then after my best friend Carlie left he asked me, and some of my other friends if we wanted to go up to the school parking lot, and watch him skateboard. So we did and the whole time he was skating he had his eyes on me. It was just so amazing! Then later on he left, and I left. And the next day came, and I waited and I waited for him to call. But he never ever did. I wasen't to worried about it, because I just figured he was like with his family and friends and was most likely busy. So I haven't talked to him for 2 whole weeks. But yesterday I checed my myspace and there was a message from him. I cobied and pasted it for you guys, so this is exactly what it says....

hey not a whole lot but i am back in Colorado sry we couldn't hang out at all i feel like i missed out on something amazing lol ill keep in contact if you get texts and stuff.

sry again that we couldn't of seen more of each other


Would that be a good sign that he likes me? Or what exactly does it mean? Thanks for you help!




  1. wow that was long! lol

    and yes thats a good sign! or at least i think so!

    maybe since he didnt call he was playing hard to get to see if you would call and if you did he would assume you like him back.

  2. Stay in good contact than later on in life maybe it might work, but being friends  isn't always bad. I know this one couple who were best friends in jr.high - college then a few years later they married. so who knows what can happen. :)  

  3. thanks for answering mine and long distance doesnt work out ive tried it and it sounds like he was avoiding you there

  4. It's obvious. Wow! Keep in contact and maybe when he turns 18 he will move back to PA.

  5. sounds like he likes u

  6. listen 2 ur heart

  7. Well, of course he's interested in you.

    But there's a few of problems with that:

    1. You're in 10th grade.

    2. He's more than half the country away.

    3. You have no clue when you'll see him again.

    At you're age, he's all you're going to think about for awhile because he's the first person to give you the butterflies in your tummy.  Time will help you move on.  Keep in touch over the computer and texting, try to remain friends, but don't let this one time hold you back from your first experience at love.

    Good luck!

  8. Did he give you a reason as to why he didn't call you?

    It sounds like theres a possibilty that he likes you. But I wouldn't get my hopes up. Just keep in contact with him and see what happens.

    Good Luck!!!!

  9. I already answered this the last time you posted this.

  10. Um, since it's a long distance thing, I suggest you stay as friends for the time being. Especially when you never know when the two of you will meet up again.

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