
Feel really bad: turns out kid is half white not just asian?

by  |  earlier

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Ok so my friends friend mom came by with her adorable son, he's 4 and i was like " i heard that it's difficult to adopt children from asian he from china? i've always wanted to go to china, i hear it's really nice there" and she had her jaw drop to the floor and looked pissed! she said "he is not adopted and he is from KOREA NOT CHINA!!@ and i was like "s...s...sorry i didn't know..." And how the h**l could i know? he looks like an asian child, completly asian....and before you say it, yes i know asians genes are dominant but christ he looked just asian!? scary how he didn't resemble her AT. ALL. so yeah i felt like a dumbass but i still feel like i shouldn't feel like this...what do you think? thanks




  1. don't worry so much you apologized there is nothing more you could have said plus everybody has stuck  their foot in their mouth at some point.

  2. so the only asian children in the united states are adopted? that would be like asking someone if their black child were adopted from africa. that was really dumb on your part. are you also one of those people who ask women when they are due and they end up not being pregnant? i could understand why she would look at you like that.

  3. sorry, ive lost you/.....

  4. I think like many typical Americans. It would help if you had some colored friends so that you have a little cultural diversity in your life. Or perhaps travel the world. It would make you more international. Just my two cents.

  5. I wouldn't worry about it. Your friend should have told you and gave you the heads up there so that you wouldn't offend anyone. Let it go.

  6. i never knew asian genes were dominant

    i always heard different but from my eyes maybe

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