
Feel unappreciated... need advice.?

by  |  earlier

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i've been married for 3 years now and i have a 2yrs. old son. i'm trying to do my best to take good care of my family. however it just seems that my husband don't appreciate my effort to be a good wife and a mother. even if most of the time he doesn't say it but i feel like he would always compare me with other women especially with the way how they look. i know i'm not hottie or anything but i always do my best to look presentable. any suggestion is greatly appreciated.




  1. That's really awful you feel you are being compared to other women by someone you love.

    But are you sure he's doing? Us girls have a tendency to be a tad paranoid! If he's not saying anything out loud, is it possible you are mistaken?

    If you feel unappreciated, just talk to him nicely. Don't try and make yourself the victim, be confident. You deserve respect!

    Good Luck!

    p.s... help me with my question  please?

  2. Aw I feel the same right now my friends are being mean and leaving me out.... Anyways I think you should say "Don't dare try to judge my looks when I work my butt off for our family!! Learn to appreciate what I do, or I won't do it." You have to take a stand. Letting your husband say that is just plain unfair. He sounds mean..get a divorce.

  3. This might be awkward, but you should try talking to him about it. Maybe he has a reason for doing the things he does.

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