
Feeling Horrible about school help! 10 points best answer!?

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i'm going back to school this tuesday and it makes me feel terrible i don't know if its just me but i hate everything about it, i'm a good student i have a 93% average but i just hate everything, i hate the people who talk to me, i hate having to go to class and talk to people, i hate sitting at lunch, im not that popular and i just sit around all day not talking to anyone, i always thought highschool would be fun but im in my third year now and i can't stand it. I wanna make friends and stuff but when i get into social situations at school all i can think about is how i hate everyone and how stupid and ignorant all the people in school are. any tips?




  1. and i wonder why you dont have any friends

  2. I'm sorry, but until you change your mindset you're not going to go everywhere. I'm also a junior in high school, and I used to have practically no friends. However, I've come out of my shell and now I have plenty.

    You have to remember, the people you're friends with don't have to have the same GPA as you. I myself am obsessed with grades and a straight A student (with one B, urg). But I'm friends with a variety of people. I'm friends with people who get C's and B's as well. You have to realize there's more to people than simply their grades. Just let loose and stop being so uptight. It's high school, you're not going to find many mature people. Start off by smiling and introducing yourself. You'll get it if you want to.

    Oh, and if you're going to reject everyone who talks to you, sorry, but you're going to be on your own for the rest of your life. Lower your standards.  

  3. My school starts on Tuesday too. Just moved in the country. I dont like school too. I have friends but i hate sitting at lunch, hate going to classes, hate talking to people in my class and prefer sitting by myself. I used to go to the librairy.

    We are in the exact same situation. I feel like crying for Tuesday! I hate school! U like in UK dont you?

    But we have to think differently. Try not thinking much about it, just act yourself. Try to forget that you are surrounded by people. Just take a book and read and ignore everything.

    Good luck!


  4. You need to let loose. If you have a 93% average... then that means your to into school in my mind. Get into Clubs like " BAND " or something. BTW on monday. GO TO WONDER LAND OR SOMTHING. JUST INVITE SOMONE OVER AND WATCH A MOVIE or somthing

  5. Lighten up. When you talk to people, just concentrate on not talking bad about them. Go see a few movies and talk about those. If you really want to be negative, complain about certain teachers, or bad movies, or a big project or something.

  6. i would tell you teacher and your mum or just when you dont like somthinf just think on somthing you like

  7. theres only one word for your situation. EMO!!!!

    ok now what u need to do if u haven't already done is get a girlfriend/boyfriend ASAP!!! and be friends withe everyone1!

  8. im the same way i wanna make friends 2 , but for me it aint hasppening till i got into stuff. like cheerleading,band and some sports try that i hope i helped you =]

  9. Talk to you parents and/or a guidance counselor.  The question is WHY do you hate everyone?  (Yes, sometimes there really aren't a lot of people one does like in high school.)  If the reason you "hate" them is because they are ignorant, then offer to enlighten them.  (I tutored a friend of mine in Trigonometry during lunch one year.)  Or try to get around people who know more than you, so you will be the ignorant one.

  10. you sound like a douche to me....why do you hate them if you don't know them yet?? give them a chance...or don't and be sad and lonely forever( kind of a no brainer, ain't it? )

  11. holy c**p that's exactly how i feel.

    I'm in my 3rd year as well but i'm definately not as smart as you!!

    good job with ur 93% average i'm only at 86%.

    my advice is to just concentrate on what you're really there to do.

    put your efforts into being a good student rather than caring what other people think. I know it's so hard sometimes but you just have to try your hardest to forget about them and think about how long it is until you're out of there!

  12. Give them a chance! I know how you feel, but don't show it!

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