
Feeling Kind Of Down Lately?

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I dunno, At the start of this summer, I said i would loose some weight, and look better for school next year. Im going into my 1st year of high school. Im 15, and im 5'5 180 pounds. ya i kno. anyways, i kept telling myself i would and i didn't. im still around that 180 range, im allitle taller, but im just really dissapointed in myself for not doing what i said i would. I wanted to go into highschool and make a good first impression. I dunno what my question really is, im jus realy bummed out. any tips, or suggestions, or things i can do to loose alltle weight? or if u jus wanna talk, my msn is And please, no bad answers. Thanx yall




  1. The truth is that losing weight is a struggle for most overweight people.  Without proper support and motivation you really don't have a chance, plus your habits are not in place to help to lose the weight.  I lost weight this summer only to gain it back and I know how you are feeling.  Apparently taking insulin makes it tougher to lose weight. Just try to up the amount of exercise and eat pickles for snakes and see how that works.  

  2. You don't need to go jog or do a huge exercise routine to lose weight. I was at least 30 pounds overweight in 5th grade, and decided that enough was enough. I stopped eating sugary foods and played basketball by myself at least once a day. I lost that 30 pounds within 2 months.

  3. I guess it's just that, people who lose weight want it more than those who don't. You have to want to lose weight and have a drive to do it. Keep trying...don't give up and don't quit. In the mean time, find things you like about yourself and focus on them. Enter high school confidently...if people see that on you, then they will respect you and like you no matter what your weight is.

  4. well yeah i kinda know where your comminq from , but its okay . if you want to loose a little weight , just eat healthy - plenty of water and a lot of excersise too . but you really have to be committed or else you wont get any where . and dont worry about first impressions during high school , theyre not that big of a deal . the only thing that matters is if you feel comfortable & like yourself . not what other people think .

    qood luckk :D

  5. you may need help in doing this but you can do it! wanting to lose weight is the first step. take things one step at a time and don't beat up on yourself. what you are doing is extremely difficult. you must keep a positive attitude. you might get a physical exam (to ensure there is no medical reason for the extra weight) and then have your doctor recommend a nutritionist who can design a diet where you lose 40 lbs. in 4-6 months. you also need some kind of REGULAR workout plan. Even 30 minutes a day will help. Walking helps, too.

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