What if humanity was to break down the traditional barriers?? What if our programs that instruct us have self copied our DNA to start off with the complete and simple understanding: kindness, understanding, camaraderie, gathering etc.
But with all the outside information (mediums) have concentrated and evolved a new form of thinking? It is not just to survive anymore; it is too divide to confer, and to conceal, the knowledge in which we are entitled to. It’s funny that we only realise our ‘limitations’ when they are pointed out to us, we are only aware of our ‘enemy’ when they are imperious to the majority thinking.
Is it just that us; as the progressive human beings that we are, have lost our way? Or is this exactly how it is meant to be; people separated and labelled. Canned humans in luxury apartments! If things keep on the way that they are where do you see humanity in 30 years??
I mean I understand the survival in animals, but us as animals; haven't we come further?