
Feeling a little sad...a little help?

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It's been a little over a week since I became a single mom and now I'm starting to actually "feel" the sadness of it all, and it really sucks.

My daughters father and I decided it would be best (and it will) that we split.. I know it's for the best and he will always be able to see her, but now that I'm alone, I really feel ALONE. I've been with him for 6 years, and now I'm not, and it's starting to become more and more prevalent that I'm not 100 percent okay with this situation, even though I know it would be bad if we got back together due to our arguing. I try to keep myself busy by cleaning the house, I really don't have any friends where I moved to, and although I'm living with my mom she's always gone so Im in this house with just myself and my daughter. I feel bad for her too, because in the last week I've become a compulsive cleaner to keep my mind off of things...I feel like a bad mom, but it keeps my mind off of things, but I think it's becoming a little unhealthy. I feel so lonely...I love my daughter more than anything, but I'm just not used to this....My mom doesn't really ever want to watdh her for more than say 20 minutes so I don't really get a "break" from her, I know I'll be okay in the long run, but can anyone give me any advice on what to do? I feel so empty and lonely, I start school next month, but even that isn't exciting me all that much right now. Her dad lives 8 hours away so he can't just come pick her up for a few hours....Any advice (sorry so long, hope it all makes sense... ) Please no mean answers...I'm really not trying to feel sorry for myself or anything... I would talk to someone else... I just have no one else to talk to.




  1. Take your daughter to the park and interact with the other parents there.

    I wish you serenity

  2. I'm not a mother or anywhere close to being one, but i just moved to a new place and I'm out of school so there isn't a sufficient way to make friends, and most of the time my boyfriend is at work. So I'm alone a lot of the time too, i usually just try and explore the new place we moved. I also go to a church that has a bunch of people my age and have been welcomed quickly. You could also go work out, most gyms have a daycare. Take your daughter to a mommy and me a few times a week, i have tons of friends that do that with their babies and enjoy it. Be happy!

  3. Just keep the faith and remember school is really what will pull you through. And it will get you through more than just this once.

    Your daughter will learn by watching you. Be strong and so will she. I think it was a great idea to split if you all didn't get along. It is worse for a child to be in that situation.

    Maybe you can get some help and get your own place. Also look into help with childcare.

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