So I'm turning 32 on Friday and I'm feeling the biological clock. I've always prioritized my education but my family held me back from college. It's a long story. Also, I've never wanted to marry for money so I'm with this great guy, we've been friends for 18 years, but he's still struggling to get his transfer degree. I'm finishing a Master's degree next June but he's years away from financial stability (I make most the money) and I'm running out of time. The real kicker is that I've never really wanted kids, instead feeling like my destiny was more tied to my own career (I'm a researcher and a writer). I got pregnant at 28 and had a miscarriage. Ever since I've been wanting to have a family but feeling really torn. I don't know what I really want and I feel like even if I did, I couldn't have it. It's complex. Anyone out there who understands? I'd love some good advice.