
Feeling anxious about going to the Philippines.

by Guest65261  |  earlier

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I will be going back to the Philippine for the first time in 9 years. I am a bit anxious about this trip. It almost feels like the first time I got to the US. I didn't know if I was going to fit in, adapt to the culture, and be able to communicate to people.

Now that I have been gone for so long, I am feeling the same way about going back to the Philippines. Would I still fit in, will people treat me same? Will I stick out? Will people treat me like I am a walking dollar and constantly asking for money and stuff? Will some people think I am too weird?

I will have my son with me and I am going to be extra careful about places to go and things to do. ugh..any insight on making my anxiety less severe?

Just lot of anxiety I guess




  1. 9 years is not that long, you are just excited in going back to the Philippines, you will be safe there.  No one will treat you like a walking dollar if you will not let them know that you have a dollar.  No one will take advantage to you if you will not allow them.  Just be yourself, some will really take advantage, especially if they know that you come from abroad, that mostly happen in the city. Mostly taxi driver,  base on my experienced.

  2. Every Filipino who has been away that long feels the same way, it is just normal.

    I haven't been back in a long time too, so I too am feeling anxious, & excited all at the same time.

    You will definitely stick out--whatever you do, that would be a given. You just need to use common sense, sense of humor & common sensibilities. If you look Fiipino/Filipina enough then it shouldn't be harder than you first went to the US.

  3. All those feelings will go away once you get there.. You will not stick out if you are in the city but you definitely will probably stick out if you are well dressed in rural areas.. It's just common sense to dress appropriately.. But, there's no going around sticking out from the masses unless you stay there in the Philippines for a few months.. The way you dress, talk, walk, and gestures will bring you out but it's not like you are a multi-billionaire with a lot of money and power.. You're just a balikbayan trying to have a vacation so there is nothing to be anxious about.. You are in the same boat like millions of other balikbayans.. You're probably still hearing those stories from decades ago.. People will only take advantage of you if you let them.. Also, the ones who will ask you money will either be your relative or friends so this is a matter of your personal relationship with them..

    You are anxious because you are excited and you are traveling with your love one..  Just be careful and be street smart while avoiding to judge people right away..

    You probably look like a native Filipino so you won't stand out as much.. The most, people will just think that you are from Manila if you are going in the provinces..

    Just a word of advice, do not bring a lot of cash on hand.. Access the rest of your funds through ATM or by using credit cards.. Maybe just have at the most $2000 in bills and the rest on your bank or credit card..

    I was really anxious too when I went on a trip with my wife and baby last January.. I was also anxious but it all went away once we landed in Manila..


  4. You are just excited you will be ok there.

  5. I think you can still fit in, nothing much has changed in the Philippines. Filipinos are accustomed to pasalubong from relatives coming abroad so they might expect some from you. Of course it's nice to give relatives who visit you any pasalubong IF you can. As much as possible, talk in Tagalog or in your native dialect when speaking with fellow Filipinos. Be really careful about the water you and your son drink, drink only bottled water and pack some insect repellant body lotion or sprays if you're going to stay in the province.

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