
Feeling awkward and lonely. HELP!?

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Well i have a gf and lately i had little bit of family trouble

and i stay home by myself at home most of the time while everyone is at work( oldest sis ran away -.-, my 2nd oldest sis is always outside with her friends since she has car and go to school, and my parents are working til really late) well lately

ive been feeling really lonely . and this feeling.

is there anyone out there knows what im talking about?

im the youngest one in the family and gawd.. :[

what should i do to get rid of this feeling?

school is starting and ahhh i hate this feeling

i rather kill myself then have this feeling for such a long time :[





  1. Oh dear, doesn't sound like the happiest of families that you are in....

    Do you feel as though your parents care about you, or their jobs more?

    Maybe they are caught in the lie that the kids need stuff so we must work to get it for them, or maybe they find a lot of fulfillment in work, not at home. Is their relationship rocky? Maybe they are avoiding each other by working. Or they feel inadequate as parents and work fills the gap and makes them feel like they actually can do something right. (No excuse, reading parenting books can help)

    I suppose what I am saying is, that you are a special person, even if the family you  are in is not showing you that. You are probably pining for a love and belonging feeling all children should get from the family unit, and it doesn't seem as though you have ever had one, if your sister's are anything to go by..probably felt the same as you hence their recent behaviour.

    Please don't take your families reaction to life personally, It has nothing to do with you that they are the way they are, and maybe you need to start quietly and calmly telling your parents (over an over in ways maybe they can hear, not just once...and differently if they don't hear the first time) that you notice their lack of time spent with you....may be you are a quaity time person, who knows they are loved by others spending time with them, caring about your needs and that makes you feel special....please communicate with your parents, at least then they do not have the excuse that you never told them.

    Ending it all will not stop the pain, but I understand your cry for help, you really need to know that  you are loved and someone.....and hey, school is starting, maybe that is a way to get some help, maybe from the school counsellor....

    All the best mate, and I hope that communicating your needs to your family makes some changes deserve it.


  2. You need a purpose in life. I am guessing you don't do sports? You need to find something you are interested in. How about really taking everybody by surprise and maybe donate some charitable time somewhere. How about going to a hospital or nursing home and just visit some older people. They might just be able to fill you in on lonely. No matter what, you need to find something of interest and get rid of the loneliness.

    Good Luck!!

  3. Don't kill yourself dude.  Killing yourself will kill all who love you as well.  Find a hobby, hang out with your girl, talk to someone or explain to your family how you're feeling.  Keep your head up.  

    "I never found the companion that was so companionable as solitude."


  4. okay -- i hear that you have a girlfriend.. but you seem to be most troubled by what's happening with your family.

    i don't know how old you are.. but i would guess you are between 13 and 15 -- this is often a time when there is a bit of an 'inner conflict' when it comes to being close to family members. -- you want to spend time with them and be close - but on the other hand - you want them to stay out of your business and give you some space.

    a few things you need to remind yourself:

    1> family members are other people too -- with their own lives, issues, emotions and insecurities.

    2> everyone feels awkward and lonely.. and everyone believes that no one else does!

    3> you have a girlfriend - start getting out of the house. spend time with her, or with friends from school (which starts up next week)

    isolating yourself may be easier -- but it will not help you feel better.

    also -- don't throw around the 'kill myself' phrase unless you are truly crying out for help. it's scary, it's serious, and it's unfair to those around you if you use it to carelessly.

    hang in there - and try to remember that you're not the only person who feels the way you do. (you would be surprised at who feels the same way!!)

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