
Feeling blue over world conditions, anyone else feeling this way right about now?

by Guest10928  |  earlier

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Feeling blue over world conditions, anyone else feeling this way right about now?




  1. I do wish people would stop bombing the c**p out of each other.

    And, I wish the US government had actually fixed the d**n levees.

    But, we were too busy buying more bombs.

  2. No because im not a witness who sits and watches

    I help to change things that act is what matters not the results so I am at peace  

  3. I read the bible and it gives me hope.

  4. yes. practically all the time. the world's in shambles.

    however, this section is just making me feel worse.

    seriously, some people are just so petty. i swear that half of them just post what they do to invite trouble.

  5. There is hope and promise!  I am Sad because they don't see the problems they are responsible for. Sad Because of the people suffering, Disgusted with people who do evil to others for no reason and it seems that justice, is nowhere in sight....keep the faith both in and out of season..It has to happen.

  6. Yes.

    However, Jesus said these multiple negative events are an indication we are living in momentuous times.

    Some call it 'end times'.

    Basically, it means the moment is quickly arrivng when God will intervene and set matters straight.

    Have you read Matthew 24:3 and the question the apostles asked?

    Have you read Jesus' answer?

  7. Oh, you bet cha!

  8. Instead of feeling blue, you should do something about it. However small - it'll help.


  9. Yes , I am in mourning for all the Christians around the world who are being persecuted for their faith in Jesus Christ. I am sad about the millions of people who go into eternity every year without the Redeemer. I am blue that so many people have hardened their hearts to God and seek only their own pleasure.  We are in the last of the last days. Now is the time for Salvation . Come to Christ.

    This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; 2nd Timothy 3:1-4


  10. your are a True Christian (Bleeding Heart)

  11. No.

    what world conditions?  The world seems to be in its correct orbit.

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