
Feeling extremely bloated at 5 weeks pregnant...?

by  |  earlier

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Has anyone else experienced this, know why I feel like this, or what I can do to eliminate this issue?

Also, whenever I make a sudden move or laugh really hard I seem to get a charlie horse type of pain on left or right side of abdomen, that goes away quickly, but is a nuisance .. Is that abnormal?




  1. This  morning when I was about to go to church I felt pretty bloated, but it went away & I'm 21 weeks.

  2. i was suppppper bloated at 5 weeks. im 11 weeks now and it hasnt gone away. i was my usual size until i ate, then its like i blew up! i didnt have that kind of pain though. they say that cramping is usual because your uteris is expanding.

  3. i was bloated for about the first 6 weeks its nothing to worry about,make sure you drink lots of water and eat little and offten its really important to keep hydrated you will get all sorts of pains and acks over the next few weeks your body is very busy, good luck x

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