
Feeling flat..... how do I pick myself up again?

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Hi all, I'm not sure why but I just feel really flat... it feels like my whole life is a mess at the minute but it is no different to how it usually is so I don't know why it's affecting me more now.

I just feel like I spend all my time cleaning my house and it's still a mess, I don't have any money cos I'm a stay at home Mum and I want to lose weight.... like I said though these aren't new issues but they are really getting me down at the minute.

How do I pick myself back up?




  1. Oh my gosh do I know how you feel!  I don't have kids and I work as a teacher during the school year, but when I have an extended time off or when things are really challenging either at work or at home I frequently feel this way.  I really don't mean to sound like a man but sometimes when I feel this way (not all the time though men!) I realize that it is that time of the month and I tell myself not to take these feelings too seriously and then I actually do feel better the next week.  Other times it isn't due to that at all.  I think it is normal to go through changes in emotions especially when you are raising kids - that must be hard and emotionally draining.  I would only worry if these feelings last longer than a few weeks and you feel yourself getting lost in them like you can't remember when you felt good.  Hopefully your husband supports you emotionally when you need it.  Maybe you two can go out even just to a park or to someplace cheap for dinner - it's not really the meal its the time out.  If you cannot go out with him maybe you have a friend you can hang out with to have some fun.  Or maybe if you took your kid(s) somewhere that there will be other moms that you can talk to.  Maybe just reading a book that will take you away from your life for a little while.  Hopefully these ideas will be helpful - it is so much easier to help other people than to help ourselves isn't it!

  2. first of all try focusing on your good points, being a stay at home mom is a tough job!! be proud!!!!  every day when you wake up try to think of at least 3 positive things in your life, then at night try to think of three positive things that happened to you throughout the day. Your house being a mess can be overwhelming, so try cleaning room by room or just picking up odd ends around your home instead of deep cleaning everything all day. To lose weight you'll need to find some confidence in yourself, try to snack less, and never at night. If time permits go for a walk around the neighborhood every day! Good luck, you'll pick yourself up, you just need some encouragement!

  3. Hi dear =) i hope ur feeling better. from ur question, i can tell that ur feeling a little "overwhelmed." its like u feel like u have SO MANY problems and u dont know where/how to start to fix all of them. the 1st thing u need to do is, to make a list of all the things u want/need to do. a "numbered" list (like when grocery shopping). Instead of 1. eggs, 2. milk, 3. bread, u list down all ur "goals" instead. 1. lose 10 pounds by next month september 30, 2008. 2. finish cleaning the living room by september 15, 2008. 3. finish cleaning the pantry by september 20, u have to itemize everything and be specific. if you try to do everything all at the same time, u'd feel overwhelmed, and end up not doing anything about them.

    u can do it. u can pick urself up, and feel happy again. u just have to reach ur goals one at a time =) good luck

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