
Feeling gross at only 4 weeks pregnant??

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I'm only 4 weeks pregnant and already experiencing nausea. I haven't thrown up or anything but I feel really gross. When did you start feeling sick during pregnancy?? Does it get better??




  1. I started feeling sick at about 4 weeks and it didn't go away until for 14 weeks. I don't know why they call it morning sickness. Mine was all day sickness.

  2. I hope you feel better, and good luck! =)

  3. Sometimes it does. Often it does. Each pregnancy is different. Sometimes it lasts through the whole things. Sorry, girl, this one is something you can't predict.

  4. this might sound gross but i was throwing up a little bit in my mouth this is when i didnt even know i was pregnant i found out i was pregnant when i was 9 weeks so id say the throwing up started when i was 4 weeks

  5. its different with each pregnancy my first was the first 3 months the second was every now and then and now with my third pregnancy i only felt nausea about 2 or 3 times

  6. 5 weeks all the way to 12 weeks..... then just gone....poof!!!

  7. morning sickness is a pain in the butt. it can get worse or stay the same. if ur lucky it will go away. for all 3 of my pregnancies i would eat saltine crackers when i felt sick n maybe a sprite or a gatorade. it helped. im pregnant again @ the moment i noticed crackers r helping so give it a try.  congrats!!! enjoy ur pregnancy n take care  

  8. I started with the nausea before I'd even missed my period, and it lasted for about fifteen weeks.

    All the best.

  9. I started getting morning sickness a little bit later than that.  It did go away once the second trimester hit.  Usually it does for most women but there are some women that are sick through the whole thing.  But 4 weeks and on is normal for starting to have morning sickness.  There are some women that don't get sick at all either.

  10. im 32 weeks and i felt sick during that time but never puked it went away my 2nd trimester.. some people it gets worse some it gose away.. hopfully ur one of the lucky ones like me... hope it gets better and congrats!

  11. I think about 2 weeks from conception my symptoms started. This pregnancy has not been a walk in the park for me. I'm 37 weeks and still get nausea s at smells, occasionally lose my lunch.  

    But my other two pregnancy's were wonderful. Morning sickness lasted like the first month only then I was a ball of joy.

    Hopefully you'll get better soon. If not there are tons of things you can do to make yourself feel a lil better each day.

  12. I am 4 weeks & 6 days today & did not feel nausea yet. For my first, I hated smell coming out from cooking of food in 13 weeks

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