I have been on a low calorie diet for the last two months, eating no more than 1300 calories everyday, but lately, I have been feeling insatiable hunger every night, that just gets more and more uncontrollable every night, and a few minutes ago, I felt so hungry that I went through a crazy binge session and had 4 cookies (200 calories altogether), left overs of pork slices (about a hand full , estimating 400 calories) and a bag of potato chips (estimating 250 calories) which all adds up to a crazy 850 calories.
Right now I am feeling disgusted with myself, and I want to know what I can do right now to burn off the calories. I want to know how this might affect my diet.
Its 4 in the morning, but I dont want to go to bed, because Im afaid I will just get fat.
What can I do??