
Feeling guilty about my ferret?

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I have a four year old ferret. Ive had her since she was six weeks old. I have recently moved to where I cant spend as much time with her.. At most an hour or two. My uncle would take her back, but then I would only be able to see her once a month but she will be with the rest of her family. What do you think would be better for her?




  1. Ferrets need to be outside of their cage for 4 hrs a day minimum. If your uncle can provide that you should give the ferret back to him.

  2. it is hard giving up a ferret, but you want whats best for her and at least you'll be able to see her at all:)

    if you really dont want to give her up maybe you could consider getting her another ferret friend to keep her company..

    you could get maybe a friend to visit them a couple of times a week to get them out for a hour or two.

    but i do think she would be better with your uncle, at least you will know she safe and well and having the time of her life, and you can visit her maybe even take her out now and again..

    have a long think about it, you only want whats best for her,

    good luck:)

  3. Omg you spend enough time stop sworrying.

  4. What is better for her? Wherever she gets the most attention and quality care. If it is not with you? That's fine. You may miss having her around, but you won't need to feel guilty, because she's with family, you'll visit, and you'll know she's getting the attention/care she needs.

  5. I think what you are saying is that she used to live with her ferret family at your uncles and you moved out and took her with you.

    If that's the case, this is a tough but really mature decision you have to make.  

    Ferrets really bond with their friends which after four years are her family. Some ferrets even get so depressed when they are separated from their friends, that they get very ill.  This is a older ferret and in most expert opinions, considered to be geriatric.  She is in a very mature time of her life.  If you can't spend the time with her that she needs to have a good quality of life, she probably would benefit from the comfort of her ferret family in the later years of her life.  Even if you could only see her once a month, would her life be happier for her?  That is the question you need to think about.

  6. I would leave her with who ever can take care of her the best, unlike humans, your ferret doesn't miss you.  They don't have the mental ability to realize that you don't spend at much time with her.  So I wouldn't worry about it too much.

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