
Feeling guilty about my past...?

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I did the math and found that over my lifetime I have likely been responsible for the deaths of about 6000 animals! I feel horrible. I knew what I was eating (though I honestly didn't know about the kind of conditions the animals lived under; I imagined them more on farms I guess, but murder is still murder) yet somehow I managed to just not think about it. How could I have been so heartless? Those thousands of animals will never get their lives back. I'm worse than a murderer. A murderer typically ends one life, whereas I have ended thousands. How can I deal with all of this guilt?




  1. Think of it as population control. There need to be carnivores to complete the circle of life. If no one ate these animals, they would be overpopulated and the vast majority of them would live under horrible conditions. The farmers would go under feeding them all without selling the meat and thus the economy would be ruined. The End

  2. Have a T-bone on the grill; that always clears my guilt.

  3. There is no need to feel guilt.  What you should look toward is your newfound awareness and work with that.  Now that you know what goes on and are sensitive about it, you can bring awareness to others around you as well.  Although, you must be careful not to be negative.  You have to lead by example.  When others see that you are thriving and independent of all animal products they will surely see that what you are doing is noble.

    I have gone through this, and I know the guilt.  But you can't dwell on it.  Instead be proactive.  Join a vegan group, buy the movie Earthlings and stage a viewing at your local library or community center.  Doing small things like that may change another person's life...and then they may become vegan/vegetarian as well.  When we all do a little we can save a lot despite what meat-eaters and hunters say about killing of insects, parasites, bacteria, amoebas, etc.

  4. If the number 6000 depresses you, then perhaps I should  not mention the millions of insects and other non-cute animals that you have also surely killed..


    Look up the true definition of the word "murder".. If we are to base it on your semi hysterical rant, then every single person on this planet is a murderer whether they admit it or like it or not...

    and there is no such thing "typical murderer" that  ends only one life..

  5. I sometimes feel ashamed that I waited so long to go veg, but I also know that what matters is I did go vegan eventually.  It is never too late to make a positive change, and that is what you are doing by stopping the consumption of animals' flesh.

    You shoudln't feel guilty because you were very likely brought up in a meat-eating home and have been programmed to think meat is good, is necessary, is healthy, when it is none of those things.  It takes a strong person to overcome that programming and ignore all the marketing geared towards consumption of this stuff.  But that's what veg*ans have done, and you should be proud that you have done so.

  6. Join PETA!!!! You can hepl us help animals, and stop the killing.

  7. be optimistic and realise that now you are educated on the matter, and now you can start to make a difference. there's no point crying over spilt milk, what's done is done. just look forward to the changes you will be making.

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