
Feeling left out by friends !?

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ive been best friends with these 3 girls since year 8 and everything went well until i couldn't walk home with them after school but then when i started to again they would leave me out in their conversation and talk about things they did together during the weekend .talked to on of them and she said that i shouldn't feel like that during the hols i would text them to see if they wanted to do something but the didn't text back and did things together instead because i feel left out i feel like my confidence has gone because i find it now hard how talk to people . please help because i dont know what to do !!




  1. It's hard to be best friends with others if there's 3 of you. there's always going to be someone left out, or feeling hurt.

    Cheer up, school is starting again, and I'm sure if you just ask someone what they're doing on the weekend, you'll start chatting to someone else.

    If your friends can't be bothered with you any more, more fool them, they'll soon be the ones crawling back to you when you find someone else.

  2. You don't have other friends?  Our lives are like train rides.  Your life is a train.  At the right time, you had certain friends come in your life.  You had certain friends get on your train.  When their train stop came, they had to get off no matter if they wanted to or not.  No matter if you wanted them to or not.  If it is their train stop, they need to get off the train.  

    You need to realize that certain people will come in and out of your life whether you like it or not.  Not everyone will be a lifelong friend.  I am sure that you have other people on your train that you probably had not even realize that they are there.  Stop focusing on the narrow and broaden your view.  You will find so much more.  

    Don't allow the waves of life to take away your confidence.  If anything, it should strengthen you.

    I hope you are old enough to understand this insight.

  3. well try talking to them and if they dont care,,just make new friends

  4. Real friends can always understand each other. talk to them and tell what you feel and after that and still you feel left behind then find another friends. they should not do such kind of things to thier friend.

  5. okay in primary skl i felt left out ALOT.

    right basically, let them come to you don't worry about them let them carry on playing their games, but don't do anything mean because then they have something against you, just think of this as a chance to meet some new people and make new mates. Now just be nice to everybody but don't let people walk all over you, perfect your smile in the mirror, because people will regonise you for your lovely smile that you flash every so often. When you feel sad just look on the bright side and remember all the people who love and care for you very much. It might be hard to make new friends but just be happy and people will take a liking to you.

    Don't worry, be happy :):):):)

    anna xx

  6. ok i have the same thing!! nopw what i dd?! i changed school, changed friends!! and made sure that they like me for who i am!! ifthey dnt, they are not true frinedS!!!im not asking you to change schools cz it will be very hard!! so just change friends!!

  7. friends are only friends if they stick with through everything

    if they cant even text you back what kinda friend is that?

    no friend at all!

    school starts again and its perfect time for re-vamping your image

    maybe dye your hair experiment with make-up come back showing them your different, more exciting! talk to others and soon they'll realize what an amazing friend they've lost!  

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