
Feeling of someone else with me?

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ok, i've believed in ghosts and spirits since i was about 4 years old (i'm now almost 16) i don't know why i've believed in them, there's never been a specific ocurrence to make me feel them.. but i seem to always feel someone in the room with me if i'm alone. it's not a bad feeling.. and sometimes it's as if they are touching my shoulders and once even a faint blowing on my neck. when i look in mirrors i almost feel that there is someone waiting behind my reflection, but when i turn around myself, no one is there (i'm starting to sound paranoid i know, but these feelings don't really scare me) the only time i've been scared by an "experience" was when i was on holiday in a french villa a couple years ago, i was given the only upstairs bedroom but i couldn't sleep there, it felt, again, like someone was there, but in a bad sense, eventualy i did sleep, but only out of exhaustion from trying to keep myself awake.. i know its been long, but i just wanted to know if anyone can explain?




  1. it is imagination. ghosts and spirits dont exist. if they did u cant feel their warmth cos they have no body to generate heat. ta ta

  2. Yes, I can explain. You have a really good imagination.

  3. Here's something to try.  Lie on your bed completely covered by a blanket.  (No peeking)  Have a friend or family member enter the room, leave, and reenter several times silently.  See if you can tell when there is someone in the room with you or not if you can't hear or see them.  I think you will find that the feeling of not being alone is something that happens inside your head, and no relation to whether or not there is actually someone there.

  4. It could be your unborn twin, or your own soul from a previous life, or the souls of the children you have not yet had, or a residual energy or a alien that is trying to contact you telepathically, or tree spirits or your animal totem or the government trying to control you with subliminal electronic psi waves.

  5. They spirit on your holiday trip was attached to that room upstairs.It was maybe where he/she stayed for a long time and then died.That spirit may not know he/she is dead yet,some don't figure out that they have died.Spirits are attached usually to a placed they lived before they died or they are attached to someone.Where ever you feel the presence of a spirit could mean that that spirit is attached there.Because you have believed in them all your life you are able to feel their presence.I suggest that maybe you should try talking to the spirits you feel and see if you can help.Ask them some yes or no questions sometime so they can pass on.You can ask them to tap on the wall,one tap means yes,two taps means no.You can ask them if they have family and if their family members can help.If the family members can help it pass on ask the spirit if it can write down their names,addresses,or possibly phone numbers in any way.Talking to the family members may help the spirit pass on.If there is no way family or friends can help the spirit then you can have a priest or someone like that bless the room and put a cross in there,the spirit would have to leave.

    I just told you that in case you don't want the spirit in your  room any more.

    Good luck!

  6. So far as the Villa in France goes, there are a lot of things that could cause that kind of feeling, from high EMF's due to a wide range of possibilities from badly-done and improperly-shielded wiring in the building to faulty appliances. An EMF detector is kind of expensive, but worth the piece of mind if you have some high-level ones.

    The feeling of someone blowing on your neck and touching you might also be from EMF's. However, on the chance that it could be paranormal, this is something you might be able to put an end to, simply by asking politely for them to back off... or less politely if they don't.

  7. First of all , it IS NOT an active imagination, what you are experiencing is an acute sensativity to spirit energy, it is not uncommon for a young person to actually have these abilities,an entity tends to expose itself to a young person because they afflicted person has not yet chosen to block it out mentally. These abilities are not always wanted by the individual who may be experiencing them, but it appears to me that you have the gift,and its up to you what you want to do with it ! In most cases that type of activity will tend to fade as you get older.

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