
Feeling rather strange

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Over the last few years all my friends have gone to college and uni, got jobs and moved on, as where l have tried and not been successful at any. I feel my life is it a rut. Not going anywhere at all, no matter how hard l try.

Over the last few months I've got quite depressed about things. I look at life differently. Feel things are going against me. What should l do? l just feel l want to release my anger/frustrations out on something but dont know what to do.

Any suggestions would be great.




  1. Try doing postive constructive things. Take up something new to create an outlet for your anger and frustraion. Maybe kickboxing, maybe painting, singing, running, sports.

    Also excersice relases the endorphins in your brain (makes you happy) so try to find things that relase endorphins in your brain.

    If all else fails go to a doctor and ask for some Happy Meds.

  2. I don't know whether you work or not, but getting out and earning some money, no matter what your job is, is good for you.

    I feel that you may have depression (I suffer from depression myself) but only a doctor can answer that question.  I really think you should have a heart-to-heart with your GP.  That is the best way and maybe you need some moral support and the GP has facilities at his fingertips to help you and if he feels you need to take antidepressants he can advise you.  Did you know that one in four people in this country suffer from depression?  It is so, so common and is it any wonder in this day and age.  You may look at people and think they are coping well, but just think, one in four of them are probably being treated for depression.  It is a very difficult subject but there is a lot of help out there, so go get it.  See your GP and don't be shy, you won;'t be the first or last person your GP sees with this.  You really will feel better for just making the appointment and knowing there is light at the end of the tunnel and it is not a good thing to "sweep this under the carpet", you just need a little advice and help.




  3. go to church

  4. It's often that when we are in a rut that the greatest things happen. Sometimes we have to be at the bottom to see all the good. When we are at the top all the time, we can't appreciate the good things.

    I was in a huge rut in my life, to the point where I just plain didn't care if I made it another day. Then I found out I had cancer and was told I didn't have very long to live. At first I thought fine, what difference does it make and then I realized all I had to live for.

    I think I am going to be ok, but whether I am or not doesnt matter. I live everyday with appreciation and gratitude. Live only for me and find in my heart the things I really care about.

    I hope you can find this in you also.  

  5. It's natural to feel like this when your mates are away, and probably a 'rut' is exactly what you've got yourself into.

    You don't say whether you've got any commitments, ie family ties, wife, children, dog !! ? cause if not what about travelling, seeing something of the world, working abroad or just changing your lifestyle ?

    How about being a holiday rep, or finding employment in England, near the sea, or in the country.. away from the town and city atmosphere. Somewhere where you can 'breath' and get a whole new prospective on your life ?

    Even if you have got commitments, there must be something that you really need to try or see. Give yourself a goal to aim for, something that will challenge your mind, a college course, or a new job, maybe a driving school instructor, if you can drive ? (meeting different people, in an outside environment).

    Only you can alter and change your life and mood, and you can do this, it just takes that extra bit of confidence, and using that energy to alter and find what you're looking for.

    Just go for it Mick...there's a big world out there, just waiting for you to explore.

    Caramac x

  6. Such through and interests and let your life feed off that. It is what most people so in life, they find something they love and continue to work on it, unless you are one of those people who will settle for careers jobs not based off of their dreams and are REALLY stuck and unhappy for the rest of their life.

  7. you are probably going through a phase. you feel aimless because you don't have a plan for your life. remember too that negative thoughts attract negativity. sit down and write out a plan of where you want to be in the future and the steps it will take to get there. then you will feel better and each time you accomplish something on your list, your mood will improve. as always, I suggest a visit to the doctor to make sure your health is ok and to see if there is any help available to make you feel better. This is my best advice to you and I wish you good things and hope you feel better soon.  

  8. So you tried and failed. That wasn't your path. What do you want to do? Try it...everything's worth a shot!

  9. .First thing you should do is see a Doctor to make sure your not depressed.If you are he can help you.Then get on with your life don't worry about how your friends have got on .

    Your life is in your own hands.

    Good luck .
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