
Feeling really guilty?

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I was with a girl about half a year ago, we were friends for a short period of time and then got into a relationship. sine the breakup she has always txt me and although she broke up with me back then I still would communicate with her up till now. She has a lot of c**p going on with her and more often then not she'll txt me when she's feeling horrible so I finally just told her to lose my number. Now one of the hard things she's going through is that she found out a few weeks ago her mom has cancer. But she was still contacting me before all of this through txting when c**p was bad. On one hand I feel I did the right thing because I don't want to be concerned with her but I do think its a bit messed up considering the circumstances. I'm not sure what to do. I also let her know if she was gonna be telling me these random things goin on in her life she could pick up the phone rather than txt it.. wow this is a lengthy and boring story, I'm just looking for some advice on how to handle the situation. I don't know if I should applogize for being that blunt with her or I should just leave it alone.




  1. well I do understand what you are saying and if she broke up with you then she shouldn't be texting you maybe she wants you back or you can just say I am sorry you are going through this and you know you broke up with me why are you still texting me

  2. I'm kind of in a situation like that, you didn't do anything wrong, If she's just going to talk to you about her problems, then there's no point in talking to her, right?

  3. If it doesn't put you out listening to all her many problems then carry on, if it's annoying you and you can't be bothered then don't!

  4. when sum1 is in depressed mood, they always need sum1 by their side.but if u don't wanna be that sum1, leave it. if u do tho, apologixe to her

  5. you shouldnt be to hard on her since the situation about her mom, maybe she feels like your a really good help and maybe shes talking to you out of comfort if that makes sense, so i would just help her through the hard times.
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