
Feeling sick after drinking green tea???

by  |  earlier

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Hey, a few hours ago i drank hot green tea, and now, i'm feeling kinda weird....... I'm usually fine with all the tea that i drink, and then when i bought those instant green tea packs, i feel sick after drinking them... why?? I read online that a few other people also have the same problem, and mostly they said it was when they didnt have much food in their stomach....... so i ate a bit of biscuit.... what should i do?? anyone with the same problem??




  1. good observation. i drank herbal tea first thing in the a.m. on an empty stomach and it hurt more than help. tea is not for everyone. have to customize to your state of health, which is time-consuming to assess and track because it fluctuates with the weather, diet, and state of mind.

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