
Feeling sick after running?

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I just ran for not even 1/4 of a mile and on my way back to my house, I got really lightheaded and thought I was going to pass out. Not only that, but my stomach is upset (feels like I'm going to puke, but not), I started shaking real bad, and it feels like I can't breathe and it hurts (and I start coughing), is this normal? does it mean I pushed it too hard?




  1. as everyone's mentioned, make sure you're plenty hydrated and stretched, I stretch lightly before I run and stretch throughly when I'm done.

    The most important thing is just to push through it, it will get better the more in shape you get.  Feeling a little nauseas is normal when you've really pushed it though.  When I ran track in high school we'd throw up after nearly every workout, sometimes we'd even cry while we we're working out.  Somehow I look back on that and it seems fun, I'm not so sure it was then though.

  2. its because ur out of shape and need water before you run


    And eat some Chex mix or something. You'll know if something is really wrong with you in which case you should go the doctor.

  4. I don't know if you sprinted, jogged, or what

    But it seems like your just out of shape and not prepared

    Drink water before you run (but don't drink a ton RIGHT before you start your run)

    The shaking means your out of shape and also need to stretch before you run

    But all of that is normal for someone who isn't in good shape

    Just keep running daily or every few days and push yourself a little harder each time, or make your distance longer each time

    That doesn't mean that you have to sprint though...if your running in your neighborhood then just go at a slow jogging pace for as long as you can, that really helps to get in shape.

    Hope I helped :]

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