
Feeling somewhat depressed about school anyone else feel the same?

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school starts on the 19th for me and feeling depressed anyone else?




  1. yes i start school on the 19th and i want to die!!!!! i only have 2 more days of freedom! OMG  Well i like this question you get to see if people actually want to go back to school or not. NICE ONE!!!!

  2. mine starts on sept 4

    so i still have a couple of weeks.

    but sometimes,

    im EXCITED to go to HS.

    cuz ima be a freshman.

    but then ,

    im scared,

    cuz i really dont know

    wats going to happen!!!

    juz b ready for school.

    dat's about the best you can do!


  3. well, i'm starting high school on september second, and yeah i'm pretty depressed about it. for me i think its because i like being a kid, and entering high school is like snapping back into reality. This is the time where your parents are proud of you but youre not so sure you can handle it. Thats how i'm feeling and its pretty much depressing.

    Plus, i'm more of an introvert after this summer, and i think i'm going to lose a lot of friends this year. Which is even more depressing than growing up because growing up is going to be even harder without friends.

  4. A part of me is excited but the other part is like "great, another long school year." SO yah. SUmmer is amazing isnt it?


    and I'm behind like two credits

    but i kinda sad because i should have done better in school last year

    i love going to school because of the dances

    but idk im just not

    in the mood for it  

  6. i'm not depressed but rather anxious and excited  

  7. yes i start tomorrow :( i really dont wanna go back it sucks

  8. Me too...mine starts on the 25th though.

    But I'm goin back to college...

  9. Me also, oh my god. I hate school. I love seeing people, but its the rules and the teachers who I have problems with. But what I do is I like give myself a little treat everyday. Like I'll buy a latte before I go to school on Monday, and I'll make plans to do something with somone at lunch or something. But as for classes, bring paper to draw on. i don't really pay attention in classes. But I just go home and learn it on my own. And it's really no big deal, haha. But like, bring stuff to do, or make .ists of songs to download, to cure the boredom.

    But until school starts man. Just partyyy!

    School does suck, and we're all feeling it man. No worries. It sucks, but just wait until smoething good, like Christmas, or Halloween or Thanksgiving. Make awesome plans and you wont even remember yure in school.

  10. I start August 18th.

    I don't think I feel depressed.

    But I do know that I'll be sleepy. Like always.

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