
Feeling suicidal, why do I feel this way? I am scared, and I want help?

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Well my name is Samantha. I am 15 years old. Well when I was about 12-13 I was considering commiting suicide, I dont understand why but I was feeling so depressed that I wanted to kill myself, luckily I was able to get over it. Now me being 15 I have been depressed the past few months, my parents were having some problems which made me upset(they have been having relationship issues since I was 12, it didnt used to bother me before until now) they would yell everyday and it would get irritating. Then my friend was sent to the hospital. I was worried and my grades started to drop. And it turns out I will be repeating a grade. I am just so upset right now, I dont undersstand why I wanna kill myself. I mean I went through it before when I was like 12 or 13, so why cant I handle it now? I mean I even though of how I was gonna kill myself. I keep thinking of diffrent methods. I want to seek for answers here because I cant talk to my parents. I dont have a close relationship with my father, I barely talk to him. I only talk to him if he asks what time it is or what we are having for dinner. And as much as I love my mother, this is not a conversation I want to have with her. She is very stressed, I see her cry all the time, and she talks about her problems with me, I dont wanna talk to her about my problems, I am trying to be strong for her. And I just want to ask what you people here think. I am very scared that I might end up killing myself. What should I do?




  1. Go to your local psychiatric hospital and tell them what you just typed here.

  2. i had the same problem but when i was younger. go to a phyciatrist

  3. You need another adult to talk to. Your parents have no business laying all their troubles on you. I will tell you don't do it!!! Talk  to someone. Call a crisis hotline. There are numbers in the phone book. You might think that suicide is the solution, but it's not. Life can and will get better if you give it a chance. Start by finding some other adult to talk to, then when you are stronger, have a talk with your parents and tell them they need to work out their problems without laying it on you. they need to talk to each other. I will pray for you.

  4. Remember that the problems in your life, no matter how depressing and despairing they might seem, will almost certainly resolve them self eventually. You're 15 - most of life's most wonderful experiences haven't even revealed themselves to you yet. I went through the exact same thing a few years ago, getting to the same point you are at. I was considering ways to end my own life, and when i look back on it it makes me shudder. I could go on and write thousands of words trying to convince you not to commit suicide, but I think this will be more effective. Remember, if you die, think of how many other people will be affected by it. Your parents, who seem so distanced from you now will be completely destroyed if their precious daughter was to leave them. And you know what? Although I've never met you and probably never will, I care about you as a human being and so does everybody you have ever met. More than you could ever know.

    So please, PLEASE, be strong through this rough part of your life and realize things will only get better. Life is full of obstacles, and the more you overcome the more you will grow, both emotionally and physically.  

  5. You need someone in real life to talk to about the way you are feeling. If you feel like you can't talk to your parents about how you are feeling, maybe you can ask them to help you get counseling. Who are some other adults you can trust? There are suicide hotlines you can call as well, these people will listen to how you feel without judging you and are open 24/7, whenever you need to talk. Life gets better, I promise.

  6. That you are even talking to us is a good sign. You at least recognize the situation. You should discuss this with some one in person as soon as possible. If you don't have a relative close to you, and you can't or don't want to talk about it with your mother, you might try going to the student councilor at your school.  They can refer you to some one. A lot of your stress is probably due to the problems between your parents. If you can put that aside for just long enough to take care of yourself you'll be more equipped to help them. Think of it as a trade off. Good luck, I am sorry that I can't give you more.  But I have an open Email, please feel free to contact me. Peace

  7. Darling,  This is very frightening.  You will be away from your parents in just 3 years and won't have to worry about their problems. If you cannot afford a psychiatrist, get some help from your school counselor.

    Or go to church and get some help from your pastor or priest.  You have so much to live for.  Your mother needs to get a grip and be strong for you.  But I don't see that happening as she is very needy.  Take some steps to help yourself.  You are worth it.

  8. Please don't do anything to hurt yourself.  Life is worth living....sometimes it's just extra hard though.  My daughter went through the same stuff as you are.  She's 22 now and doing lots better.  You can get through this.  But you need help.  Talk to some adult that you respect, a teacher, a pastor...keep talking until someone listens.  And please call a suicide hotline right now.  They are there to help you.  I hope you can know and feel that God made you and He cares for you and He is always there to help you get through whatever it is you're going through.

  9. I thought schools and colleges had counsellors for just such problems.  I could say all sorts of stuff like 'hang in there, it gets better', and though it is true, nothing beats a face to face helpful chat.  Get help. Good luck

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