Well my name is Samantha. I am 15 years old. Well when I was about 12-13 I was considering commiting suicide, I dont understand why but I was feeling so depressed that I wanted to kill myself, luckily I was able to get over it. Now me being 15 I have been depressed the past few months, my parents were having some problems which made me upset(they have been having relationship issues since I was 12, it didnt used to bother me before until now) they would yell everyday and it would get irritating. Then my friend was sent to the hospital. I was worried and my grades started to drop. And it turns out I will be repeating a grade. I am just so upset right now, I dont undersstand why I wanna kill myself. I mean I went through it before when I was like 12 or 13, so why cant I handle it now? I mean I even though of how I was gonna kill myself. I keep thinking of diffrent methods. I want to seek for answers here because I cant talk to my parents. I dont have a close relationship with my father, I barely talk to him. I only talk to him if he asks what time it is or what we are having for dinner. And as much as I love my mother, this is not a conversation I want to have with her. She is very stressed, I see her cry all the time, and she talks about her problems with me, I dont wanna talk to her about my problems, I am trying to be strong for her. And I just want to ask what you people here think. I am very scared that I might end up killing myself. What should I do?