
Feeling the need to be in water?.?

by  |  earlier

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i know this sounds strange, but when i touch water ,such as when washing the dishes or my hands, i sometimes.........well alot of times i feel as though i need to put my whole arm in the water. Sometimes the feeling doesn't go away until after i take a bath or shower in which my whole body is in water. Is it just me or is something wrong?.?




  1. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that!

  2. All I  can think of is that you might be remembering the time you were in your mother's womb..and felt secure. Maybe you're wanting to go back to that time. (Don't we all!!?? lol)

  3. may be a fish or dolphin in your past life if you believe in reincarnation

  4. Same here

  5. You are attracted to the element water. Everyone has their own that they need. I also deeply desire water; we share that.









  6. theres most probably nothing wrong probably just a psychological imperfection, maybe emotional trauma somehow involving water in a significant manner has effected your view on water, try think back and think has there even been anytime where water has posed as a much more significant(in a good way) resource?perhaps dehydration with no water has effected your mental view of water,but anyways there is nothing wrong unless it really does become more serious (i.e. you cant help but jump into a public fountain) then I would seek mental help such as talking to your counselor=) well i hope this has answered your question and does comfort you that its not abnormal =)

  7. Your very smart to be in touch with your feelings that deeply.

    I have no good answer, but I applaud you for being so sensitive to yourself.

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