
Feeling useless and tired after i broke up with my girlfriend?

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I just need to a have a ***** here and air out some feelings because this place is awesome, especially considering you get a dozen replys in 5 minutes. So, i guess some uplifting words would really help me. so thanks in advance

its been a week since i broke up with my first crush/1st girlfriend/1st love/girl of my dreams/

we havnt talked since and promised we wouldnt contact each other but i still find myself checking my phone every few hours in hope she says she wants me back.

its been hard because im on holidays and iv been finding myself at home by myself everyday, besides the weekend. And all i find myself doing is thinking about her non stop and even sometimes crying. A part of me wants to go out and meet other girls but i dont find myself interested in anyone but her. So yeah basically iv been drinking and smoking alot, playing on the net and not much all.

Also the thought of her kissing or being with someone else makes me physically sick.

We both really like each other and iv told her several times how much she means but the reason we broke up was because her parentals. so basicaly there is nothing else i can do or say.

any advice on how to pick myself up a bit? things to do? advice? Help? Ideas?




  1. Listen, if YOU broke up with her, she's not going to ask for you back. You need to ask her to get back together. Say something like "hey i know we weren't going to talk to eachother, but honestly i'm in love with you. can we go have dinner?" (or something else). And s***w the parents, it's her life not theirs youll learn to ignore them, or just hide it from them.

  2. ive been in a similar situation man and it sucks. i like to listen to cool music , go out, go to the gym, and most importantly be social- FRIENDS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT. GOOD LUCK, YOULL FIND A LUCKY GIRL.

  3. Tell her how you feel, it was a mistake to broke up,you need to step up if you want your relationship to work in the near future!!you'll know when you relationship with her, when doesn't work out in a long run! maybe just maybe she's got alot of stuff going on!!just give it some tym, start out as friends then go on  from there!!

  4. dude, i dont know what to tell you man. im in the same exact boat. its so hard to deal with. im gonna check back for an answer to the problem since we are in the same boat man.  

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