
Feeling very sad, please help!

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my BEST friend has been saying she was grounded for almost two weeks and another friend of mine (who didnt know she had been telling me that) started talking about how my best friend was hanging out with other people the whole time. She also just uploaded a bunch of pictures onto her myspace of her and her new friends having "drunken fun" Why did she say that? Why did she lie to me? I want to confront her but i dont know how. I also dont want to be misunderstood and look like and assh*le. Please help me I feel like i just got punched in the stomach. :(




  1. Confront her.

    Who cares if you look like a jerk or whatever, you have to straighten it out with her.

    If she's getting wasted with a bunch of people and lying to you, definitely consider your friendship with her.

    She's not being a good friend.

  2. Aww, well I know how you feel.

    But think about it this way, was she ever really your friend if she couldn't be honest with you in the first place? If she was really your friend she could've

    1)invited you for this 'drunken fun'

    Or 2) if she didn't want you to go, not lie and just be honest and said she has new friends she's going to do her thing with, and reassure you that you guys will still be friends

    She obviously doesn't take your friendship seriosuly if shed just lie to you like that AND upload pics on her page that you'll obviously see. And guess what? You don't need that kinda of friend at all. Even if it means not having her to hang out with, its still not worth getting dissed. Trust me. Hope this  helped! Oh and if you feel like you should confront her, be my guest but I wouldn't reccomend it. Let her come to you, and if she pretends nothing happend, casual bring it up. Not in a nice way, or a mean way. Just don't let her take advantage of your kindness  with another lame excuse and remember you are not the problem in this situation, she is.

  3. just be like ..

    "hey i thought you were grounded cause i heard you

    were hanging out with so & so"

    i guess that is the simplest way to put it ?

    answer mine please ?

  4. Confront her if it hurt your feelings that she lied then it should not matter if you look like a jerk, but when you confront her try not to sound angry  and be honest.

    Good Luck ;)

  5. We can't possibly know why she did it o.o We don't know you or your friend. You could both have underlying problems. Some people purposely cause drama to make their lives exciting.

    Who knows...

  6. If you feel you are ready to confront her do.  If not, try working through the feelings by writing in a journal or blog or by talking to someone you trust about it.  Writing a letter to your friend about how you feel, even if you will never give it to her, can be very beneficial.  Good luck.  

  7. The best way is to confront her and ask her, if she's that much of a best friend she'll have a good reason, if not, find someone else to be friends with, who deserves it!

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